I know some of you are really wanting to know where my diabetes control program fits into this type of frenzied eating story. Let me put it to you this way. On one end of the spectrum you have a category called Perfection and on the other end one marked Failure. Many of the experts advise a finding of a middle ground that is personalized based on the need of the individual. This means that I do enjoy, occasionally, the meal described above. I typically eat only one, albeit generous, portion. That is a monumental change in discipline from a few years ago. And, I do also attempt to compensate some when I have wandered a little off the reservation. The objective is to do my best each day to try and keep myself out of the ditches on both sides of the diabetic highway. This does not mean what I do would work for the next person because there are a vast amount of variables with this disease. One thing I am sure of. It's not likely to go away and it is something I have to take into consideration most of my waking hours. I can't be totally sure if it has occupied any of my sleeping hours because if it did I'm pretty sure it would likely be nightmarish enough that I would not forget it.
And, be sure you know that I am not complaining. I am very much thankful to be able to do as well as I am with this ongoing challenge. Sure, I would love to wake up one morning and it be gone and one day that will be the case but until that home going day, I will continue to do what I can, with God's help. Even as I sit here banging this blog out I can think of a number of people I know who have the same illness but are constantly dealing with significant issues. And, I am not one who thinks we can take solace in knowing there is always someone worse off than ourselves. It is more of an appreciation for God's provision that we should be thankful for, because, regardless of what happens in this sin cursed world, He is working out all things for the good of those who love Him and are the called according to His purpose. That's a truth that works for any of us dealing with any challenge, regardless of its severity. Okay. That will do it for today. Have yourself a wonderful Tuesday and Lord willing I'll catch up with you, next time. Amen. .....More later.
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