Friday, July 13, 2012

"How High is The Water, Momma?" Johnny Cash

Good morning and welcome to flash flood territory. It is Friday, July 13, 2012, and you are right, I am the fellow who recently was ardently seeking for a few rain drops. Well, praise the Lord, we have gotten that and much more. Yesterday morning I came in to work in a rainstorm. I don't think rainstorm does it justice. It was more like a avalanche of water. I couldn't see well enough to see well enough to know if I had a place to pull over or not. I'm not making this up. I now know what it feels like to drive a vehicle by using the Braile system because that is all I could do, feel my way along, period. Forget about seeing the road. When I finally reached my turn off, I nearly fell out from the sheer exhaustion, but, I did take the time to give praise to God for having made it. I was more than happy to wade the ankle deep water to open the gate. And, while I know there have been some issues with flooding, we have been in need of rain, therefore, I am thankful. I remember writing several blogs over the past few years about driving in the worst rainstorm ever. Well, guess what? Just when I thought there couldn't be one to top that last one, yep, it was a doozy folks, a real doozy. I will not soon forget what that racing metaphor means, because yesterday was one morning when I really was: Up on the wheel!

I am thankful. Here I sit, sipping on some day old Community that is super hot, black, and strong. I am snacking on some instant oatmeal. I cut up a few dried apple pieces and threw in one of those tiny boxes of raisins. Then I poured some of that powdered milk in, added a pack of Splenda, a little water, zapped that little bowl for about 2 minutes, and bam!, there you have it, something that almost passes itself off as being breakfast. I was talking with an old timer the other day and we were lamenting one of the great tragedies of our time. Most eating places no longer serve home cooked grits. We didn't tear up but we both agreed that calling something a Big Breakfast without homemade grits should be against the law. I told him the last time I was in an IHOP that I do believe they brought me a bowl of instant grits. We both just hung our heads. You think maybe that was a little over the top, do you? You must not be a grits aficionado. I've been at conferences before up east where everyone raised an eyebrow when they heard me ask if they had homemade grits. Most of the time the answer was no. Those folks from that part of our land seem to think that grits are mostly associated with poor people and I say Amen to that, and while you are at it, could you spoon me up another big helping because I have some butter just waiting to climb on. Yum yum.

In a few weeks I just might be writing again about our parched earth around here. Not today. I will tell you this. Our yard is really enjoying some relief these past few days. Last year's drought was deadly. And, the proof is still all around us. Nearly every day I see crews out working on tree removal, especially along the road ways. We live in an area known for trees. That drought decimated the tree population. In all things we give thanks, not because things are always pleasant, but because God is with us, regardless of the weather or the storms in life. Being His child means that He will never leave or forsake us. That is a good thought to end this week. I do pray that you will enjoy your upcoming Saturday and that Sunday, the first day of the week, will find you in the Lord's meeting place, where you can hear from God in a special way, along with other folks. Until next week I'll try to keep my socks wrung out and the Community going. Y'all take care now, you hear? May God bless each one. Amen.         .....More later.

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