Friday, February 24, 2012

I finally figured out why bagpipers always walk when they are playing. They are trying to get away from the noise!

Is it Friday already? I knew it was getting close and then I woke up and it was here. Hello and welcome. We are off and running on this fine February 24, 2012. Today's title was used because I thought it was cute, not because I agree that bagpipes make sounds that cause folks to walk away. I actually love to hear the pipes. Occasionally I have to order me up some of those penetrating tunes from the music website to help get my day going. But, to each, his or her own preferences. Sometimes it helps to fall into things that work out. It's like the fellow who became a detective because he gained a reputation for solving crimes just by chance. His name? Sheer Luck Holmes. No. I didn't get the memo about bad joke Friday being cancelled. But, it is true that we often experience things that do work out and we end up thinking ourselves to be lucky. When we have our head and our heart in the right place we recognize the reality that we are blessed, in fact, we are blessed even when things don't fall into place like we think they should. When we consider ourselves just to be lucky, we miss out on an opportunity to thank God for helping us along our way. When we find ourselves all tied in knots because everything seems to be going badly and we think we are having a run of bad luck, we miss out on the opportunity to call upon God for help in our time of need, and to thank Him that no matter what happens, all His promises are still in effect, period, end of story. Amen.

At least I didn't use the one about the dog who ate nothing but garlic. His bark was definitely worse than his bite. We all can be glad I didn't go down that road. I caught a little of the Republican debate after getting home from our Wednesday evening prayer and Bible study. Based on the exchanges I heard, I've chosen to describe my take in this way: Uninspiring. Dull. Boring. Stale. Lackluster. Bleak. Dismal. Dreary. Blah. Let's hope I'm the only one who feels this way or come November we are going to be dealing with an outcome we have dreaded for the past four years. But, God is in control, and there is still time, and we seek His intervention in the affairs of our nation, according to His will and purpose. With that in mind I'll throw out a few funnies that have to do with politics and maybe it will turn that frown upside down. ~ Campaign rhetoric: Baloney disguised as food for thought. ~   Congress: Where a person gets up to speak, has nothing to say, nobody listens, then everyone disagrees. ~ Defeated candidate: A person who is lucky because he doesn't have to explain why he didn't keep campaign promises. ~ And a couple of Will Rogers for good measure: "This would be a great time for a man to come along that knew something." "There is no credit in being a comedian, not when you have the entire government working for you. All I have to do is report the facts. I don't even have to exaggerate."

Another week has come and gone. I again offer my sincere thanks to all who have expressed concern and prayers for my wife. We are humbled and blessed. We are not lucky to have folks who care, we are blessed to a part of a family of believers, and that makes us just that, family, brothers and sisters in Christ. Our little congregation began a pot luck Wednesday evening time of fellowship. It is growing each week. People bring some food, bring their children, and we all get to sit down and enjoy a sweet time of fellowship. Fellowship is a very important word in our Bible. The Greek word used has the meaning of commonality, community, and sharing. One old preacher said his best way to describe fellowship was to think about two fellows in the same ship, as in we're in this boat together. Walking down the long corridor this past Wednesday evening I heard the sounds of people chattering, laughing, and having a great time. To me, it was the sound of joy. Who would have thought a pot luck supper could be so instrumental in helping folks take a time out and just enjoy each other? Something I dare say that is greatly needed in this runaway train world we live in. You may not have access to this type of event but the idea works, friends, family, and we all need to find time to 'just do it'. I've seen it at work and I can tell one and all, it does a body good, including yours truly. Now I wish you a wonderful Saturday and a great Lord's Day Sunday. May God bless one and all, and, I'll try to show up, Lord willing, next time, here at the old keyboard where I will be clinking out some more clunkers, poorly disguised as prose. Amen.         ....More later.

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