Thursday, May 12, 2011

Chattering chatter and nonsensical noise.

Top of the morning and welcome once again to that little time out where I typically can make nearly everyone feel better about themselves, at least by comparison. I'm not sure if Dr. Phil would agree with that approach and to be honest, I haven't ever even thought about Dr. Phil, one way or the other. He's probably a decent chap but not anyone I've ever watched or followed. But, it is good to see you, and just how in the world are you doing, anyway? Fine. Me too. Or, at least that's what we all have been conditioned to knee jerk forth and back between each other. It is Thursday, May 12, 2011 and this has been one more week. I think that's supposed to imply a real doozy but I didn't really mean to communicate that, I just thought writing those words looked pretty good on the page. As far as how most weeks go, in most of them we all could join in the song, here a doozy, there a doozy, everywhere a doozy, doozy. Maybe I am going through a phase. I would call it my eclectic phase but then I would have to look that word up so that I could make sure I knew what I was talking about. I actually might be stuck in an eclectic phase that has lasted from the time I was a little kid but I didn't know the word then and they most likely called me spirited or maybe given a little to being slightly eccentric. No. You have not landed on the word for the day blog. Those people would have much more knowledge about what they are doing than I do.

I hear people talking about when they were required to lay their heads on their desks in elementary school for a rest break. That's not a hard image for me to conjure up but I'm not certain I recall having to do it. I do remember doing those atomic blast responses where we all got down under our desks. Later when we viewed those film clips of utter devastation from Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it pretty much showed the futility of those exercises. But we live and learn.  However, there are days when laying my head on my desk for a few minutes does sound like such a wonderful idea. Instead, I usually zap me a warmed up cup of Community and I'm off and running again. There are some researchers who really don't have much to do these days. They keep looking into the relationship between things like diabetes treatment drugs and caffeine. Most of them indicate that drinking too much caffeine especially in coffee tends to make these drugs less effective. What's next? I'm already reduced to sucking on a sugar free cinnamon disc. Next thing you know they will be writing about how the cinnamon itself is a problem or maybe the combination of Splenda and cinnamon create new issues. Did someone appoint these folks to dog my steps or what? Thus far, I have stuck with the Community but there is this gnawing realization that I will have to deal with it one day soon. I've tried the decaf so I don't even want to think about it. I suppose if I eventually end up giving up my Community I'll just have to resort to laying my head down on my desk. Now I know what it means to be fearful of those fellows in white coats trying to catch you.

I can always tell when they are picking on me. It's not enough for them to persecute, they have to get personal with it. I say that because it's one thing to write reports that deal with issues in a general way. But, what about when they call out the exact drug you are taking? There's dozens of others out there guys. Maybe it's because you take the most widely prescribed generic. Don't muddy the water with facts. Okay? Why my specific prescription? Or better, why me? When I see my doctor next month I will speak to him about all of this. My idea is to bump up the dosage to compensate for the conflict. Knowing him, he will most likely advise a gradual reduction in the offending ingredient. He and those research guys all know each other. They are in this together. Am I wearing a sign on my back or what? Okay. You do know I am only kidding, ...only kidding, ...only kidding.... Right? And, I am so very thankful that taking a handful of pills at night, and another four in the morning, along with watching what I eat, has given me, with God's help, a pretty good level of control over my diabetic condition. It is a constant consideration and one that I never expected to have to deal with. Yet, God has been good to me in allowing me to find out about it early and in helping me to do the things I have to do to help myself. Meanwhile, the report writers will continue to do what they do, and most of us will seek that smallest of loop holes that somehow and in some way exempts us from their findings. Things like: That report came out on a Friday and today is Thursday, so all bets are off. I didn't say it was a reasonable evaluation but lets not talk about it anymore for today. Drag up that chair over there and lets enjoy a cup together. May God bless one and all. Amen.           ......More later.

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