Monday, April 4, 2011

I sure am enjoying this surprise cooldown, but I am so depressed about the heatwave that will soon be here. What's up with that?

Last Thursday morning we had that surprise 48 degree reading going on and I turned on my radio just after 4 a.m. on my way to work and the weather guy was doing a huge build up for the hot that was anticipated for Friday. Can't they let folks breathe a little cool air just a few moments before talking about summertime in April and making sure the AC system is ready and on and on? I kind of thought that 48 was a special bit of sweet news and they could have dwelt on it for a while, but did they? No siree. Instead, it was get ready for the heat wave even as some of our guys stumbled in bundled up like they were going to be working in an igloo or something. That may have sounded more like a rant than a rave to get us up and going but hello once again and welcome to my world, where we all, including yours truly, await the reading of what passes itself off as my thoughts for the day. It is Monday, April 4, 2011 and I am thankful that my internal clock nudged me awake, I was a little late however, and that clock may have been the lady laying next to me, but whatever, I am thankful I heard it, and was able to answer that call, one more time. We all need to be encouraged. A fellow recently rejoined our company after having been gone for over a year. He commented that based on his observation from before he thought he could see how that I appeared to be in an overall better state of health. He knew I had been fighting the diabetes stuff when he was here before. Thank you very much, I'll take it, and yes, I have worked some, not as much as I should have or could have, and yes, I'm glad that he noticed because little things like that do encourage us. Right? We might consider that as we deal with folks and find opportunities to encourage them.

I'm not talking about one of those backhanded compliments that is really an insult wearing a disguise. One lady might say to another one, "That outfit looks so good on you. I didn't realize they still were making that design." See what I mean? Someone might say to me: "Hey that was a pretty good answer especially coming from someone your age." Hello? Or maybe someone might offer up this critique of my writing: "Your stories always make me laugh and the way you mangle the grammar, that's funny too." I'm having trouble with that one because it could easily be a genuine compliment. I have been known to use a little innovative grammar but I thought breaking new ground was a plus. Most of us know a little about dishing these out but when we do it, they are always intended to be 'joking only'. Yeah. We've all heard that. Right? Like: "I don't care what the others are saying, I still think you are an okay person." "I really loved that photo of yourself, how much time did it take you to Photoshop it?" "That was a really good sermon Pastor, I think you may have woke up several of the guys who usually sleep." "You came prepared today dude, your answers almost sounded intelligent." Okay. Enough already. We've all been there and done that. Both on the giving end and on the receiving end. In stark contrast, genuine and heartfelt encouraging words builds up the other person as reflected from the famous proverb: "A word fitly spoken Is like apples of gold in a network of silver." (Book of Proverbs, Chapter 25, Verse 11.)

All the attention being paid to obesity is stirring up trouble. The First Lady has made it her top priority and over sized folks are beginning to feel stigmatized by the campaign to do something about it. Folks are over weight for different reasons. Some have gland issues. Others have emotional disorders. Many have literally eaten their way into being whatasized. Whatever is going on, it's causing big time trouble because they tell us obesity rates have tripled just since 1980. Some blame fast food companies. One stat says that while the average calories per person needed is around 2,000, we are fast closing in on 4,000 as the daily average intake. Math may not have been my best subject but, Houston, I think we have found what might be a pretty good lead on the problem. The New York Times had an article last week about how that all this emphasis is causing heavy folks to feel even worse about themselves. Some of them are speaking out and letting their feelings be known. We do know that furniture has had to be beefed up, beds strengthened, and clothes sizing dramatically increased. We've even had to upgrade the size and strength of the caskets used to bury people. The added costs are astronomical. I know we all have issues and we should do our best to show respect for all people at all times. Every family has someone dealing with this problem and no one is immune. I have great compassion for those who seem trapped in their own body. But, I am not in support of our government dictating every bite of food that goes into our mouths while at the same time saying we don't have a huge and growing problem is not correct either. It just seems like the mere mention of any problem sets in motion this response of being offended and thus far about the only people you can consistently criticize, make fun of, and condemn and get by with it, are those who believe in Jesus and do their best to embrace God's Word. I don't have a solution to the obesity problem but I just thought I would vent a little and put it out there as food for thought, no pun intended. Have a blessed work week. Amen.      ......More later.

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