Monday, December 20, 2010

I have come back to work to catch my breath!

It's December 20, 2010 and I bid you good Monday morning where I am trying to get ready to get ready to be ready to get back to work . I pretty much have finished up all my scheduled Santa appearances for this season. It has been quite an adventure. On Friday we were at a Christian Academy where they have 108 students enrolled. We had a most wonderful time. On my way out I passed through the lunch room where most of the children were eating, for a final goodbye. Hello? Suddenly I was being rushed by all these little ones. I almost lost my balance. It was wonderful. Everyone wanted to give Santa a hug. From there we visited the daycare where our Alex goes each day. My wife was good enough to tag along with me for as long as she could before going to work. Our son Jimmy took care of the rest of the elf duties after she left us. Then on Sunday our local fellowship all joined together and put on a fun day program for an apartment complex near our Church facility. Talk about fun! It was wonderful and I was able to have photos made with children of all ages including some physically challenged folks as well as some elderly. Our pastor wanted us to do nothing more than to show that we care and we want to be good neighbors. Given the turnout and the noise of folks just having a good time, I am so thankful we were able to participate. May God take this seed and cause it to grow into something that will make a difference in someone's life for time and eternity. Amen.

On Saturday I was able to spend some time with my brother across town in the rehab hospital. We laughed and talked and laughed some more. I was able to assist him in eating his lunch. Don't get the idea that we made any sense out of what we were saying because he just isn't connecting at this point, however, that didn't interfere with us being able to enjoy the visit. I also was able to spread a little Santa joy to some of the folks there, take a photo with one lady, and generally, just to be there to represent our family. I can't help but think about how humbling it is to have a major medical issue like the one Donald suffered. Laying in that bed about as helpless as one could be is a man who once was known for his toughness as a Marine drill sergeant. At one time he instilled self confidence and personal strength but today he is totally dependent on others. What lesson do I draw from this? It reminds me of how fragile this life is and how temporary the things we sometimes believe to be so important. Like our independence, our self reliance, and even our pride. That could be me and that could be you. We never know what a day will bring but it's never too late to recognize that we are already totally dependent upon God and His grace to make it, even in being able to take the next breath. I thank God for Donald's continued progress, especially in his physical recovery, and I look forward to when he will be able to show the same progress in his mental abilities. Thanks to all of you who remember him and our family as we continue this battle.

We had our birthday party for our brand new fourteen year old Jimmy Jr. Saturday evening. He was excited and so were we. As you can tell we are not lacking for entries on our 'To Do' list. Because of this I issued a formal I.O.U. to my wife for a future time when we will celebrate our anniversary. Busy? Yes we are! Good busy? Mostly, and for that I am so very thankful to God that He gives us the strength to get up and do the things we are able to do. I know everyone is busy this week as well as we all prepare for our Christmas Day celebration. Many will be traveling to visit family and friends. We are going to have another one of those weird warm ups for the first few days of this week but according to the Weather Channel, we should get a cool down for Christmas Day, just like I like it. I don't mind grilling steaks out in the cold. I've done it many times before. Maybe it's all psychological, but it does seem more like Christmas when it is cold. At any rate, let's not become so busy that we forget the plight of those in need because it is at this time of year that we celebrate God's provision for meeting the greatest need of all humanity. That is the need to know God and His salvation through that Baby who was laid in a manger, He who grew up, lived a sinless life, died on a cross for the sins of all humanity, and then was resurrected, hallelujah, praise the Lord! Knowing Him makes Christmas what it should be. Amen.           ......More later.

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