Friday, January 15, 2010

You will have to admit, I have been patient!

Finally. Our granddaughter Tiffany has photos up of our brand new great grand, little Madelyn Joy on her Facebook page. I didn’t want to rain on their parade by putting up my own but it’s Friday, January 15, 2010 and now all bets are off. Not really. I'm including some of the poses she published. We do have one or two of me holding her along with many of her MiMi holding her. I do wonder how that happened. One thing is certain. This little girl has been smothered with love since she made her grand entrance. Even Kenna, the family dog at our eldest son’s house grabbed a lick on top of her head the other day. Kenna is excited about this new arrival but they had been keeping her away from little Madelyn. Kenna is a huge black lab and pretty smart. She faked her way over to getting close and then without any warning, she did it! She marked the new little one and then seemed to be satisfied.

There is something about my family and babies. My wife remembers when my sister gave birth to the first grandchild in our family. We had just started dating and she said all I could do was talk about how beautiful that baby was. Unusual for a fifteen-year old boy, right? They tell me my dad who passed away when I was seven loved to hold and rock babies. With six of us like stair steps, he certainly had plenty to hold and plenty to rock. I also remember my wife as a teenager when the first grandchild was born in their family. She was like a second mom to Byron. He grew up to become a master builder and was our contractor for rebuilding our home after Hurricane Ike. Quite a remarkable journey, don’t you think?

Our eldest son has reported that people in his office can’t keep from talking about how that Madelyn looks like a little doll. He said some who made this comment were really the no comment type of people. I was working for the big company whenever Tiffany was born. I’m not sure but it seems like I remember the staff threatening to sign a petition if I didn’t let up a little on the granddaughter stories. She was our first and my office was literally plastered with her photos. I remember when she was a little tyke and how I was knocked down devastated when he took a transfer to a job a little over an hour away from us. The nerve. Hadn’t he heard what every person at the Fortune 500 Company had heard? She was called Poppy’s girl for a reason. I can remember feeding her Popsicles before they wanted me to. When she was maybe two they gave me a card with a picture of a polar bear feeding his cub a Popsicle. That card is still on the light switch going into our bedroom. Yeah, there’s something about babies and our family! But it’s okay to pray for us because the Lord knows we need all the help we can get! Amen. ……More later.

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