Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The spinning world spins but where it will stop is anyone's guess!

Today is Wednesday, November 4, 2009 and I’m thinking about how we get our information today. That’s right. There’s a lens through which all events are seen and they are reported based on the point of view of the one looking through the lens. The Republicans won big in yesterday’s election so they report that our nation is fed up with Barak Obama and his socialist agenda. However, if they had lost they would have reported it’s because of the time and attention the president spent on getting democrats elected as opposed to working on the nation’s real problems. The Democrats on the other hand, had they won, would report a strong mandate from the people in support of the Administration’s plans. Since they lost the really big elections they are now claiming it was because they had special circumstances in those particular elections that really have no bearing on this President or his policies.

Okay, while I may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, even I know that not all of those views can be accurate. Is it any wonder that Americans in general show in poll after poll that they see lying as no big deal depending on the circumstances? Jesus responded to Pilate at His trial in saying this: "So You are a king?" Jesus answered, "You say correctly that I am a king. For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.” To this we hear the infamous question put forth by Pilate: “What is truth?” (Read John 18) Given all the spinning that goes on in every circle; liberal, conservative, independent, and all the myriad of other circles, is it any wonder that we find ourselves grasping and gasping to find any semblance of truth? I hear people say all the time they only trust one source for their news because that organization leans in the direction they support. To me that is a very dangerous approach.

We must evaluate all the messages out there and look at them in light of what we know to be God’s worldview. If we are not careful we can end up supporting character assassination and false stories just because it favors our way of looking at things. This is why we must always be careful when dealing with human sources of information and commentary. God and His Word is the only source of infallible truth, therefore, we must use it to evaluate all the information coming from every direction. Compromising truths that God has given to us in order to gain what we see as a political advantage is foolish at best, and misguided in the long run as we see biblical principles slowly but surely being erased from our national life. When the best of the worst is still something unpleasing to God we might well need to seek His intervention instead of trying to settle for what we can get. Pragmatism may provide us with a choice of the lesser of all evils but any evil is still wrong in God’s sight. Today we will be treated to some who will be gloating and others who will be denying but all will be spinning. Keep this in mind because we do need to think and pray about these issues as the political merry-go-round spins out of control. Amen. …….More later.

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