Wednesday, September 30, 2009

God cares about even our smallest request.

Okay. I am running about 15 minutes late today. It happens. My late is still a couple of hours earlier than the next fellow, so I guess I can live with it. How in the world are you, anyway? It's Wednesday, September 30, 2009, so welcome to a brand new day! My mom should have slept in her own bed last night and that is a huge reason for praising the Lord. She was on her way home as I was on my way into the metroplex for our inner city Bible club meeting. The doctor said her heart was fine but she does need to see a lung specialist very soon. She asked him what she should do if she has another episode like the one she experienced on Sunday. He told her to ignore it. Ignore it? That sounds like the old Hee Haw routine where the patient tells the doctor it hurts when they do a certain thing and he tells them to just not do it. But we couldn't be more thankful and I know mom is glad to be home, not to mention Dad, who will be most happy to put the helicopter episode and all the other excitement behind him. They are such wonderful people and it's hard to explain how blessed we are to have them as our parents.

At last night's Bible club I had the opportunity to counsel with about twelve boys. As they shared their struggles with us and the prayer needs in their lives, I was struck by their honesty and the simplicity of their requests. One wanted prayer to do better in his school work. Another wanted to not be such a bully. Others wanted to correct one type of behavior or another, to treat others with more respect, and to have a more peaceful home life. There may have been one or two that prayed to receive Christ as Savior. Victory in Jesus comes in all shapes and sizes. He does love the little children of the world and He will respond to their heartfelt requests. The thing that was interesting was how these boys expressed even the small things that concerned them. This is a good lesson for us all. We are instructed: Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. (Philippians 4:6)

We who are all grown up lose contact with this principle about our Great God caring about the small things. We sort through our list and seek His help on the top priorities but He would have us seek Him by faith in everything that concerns us. Those boys laid out the stuff that was on their heart but how often do we hold back when we are praying? God already knows about it all and He must smile as we seek to be so pious in bringing only the BIG items before Him. Often those little things, like termites, can be very harmful if they are not attended to. We all have concerns and needs that are on our mind and we most likely are somewhat fretful over some of them. The key to being free from being anxious has to do with our recognition of God and His willingness to see us through every detail, no matter how small, in the life He has given for us to live. Thank each and every one for praying for my mom and as these boys reminded me, we all have a whole lot of stuff to seek God's help with, every minute of every day. The good news is how willing He is to hear and to help according to His love for us all! Amen. .....More later.

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