Monday, May 11, 2009

Good to go and it happens to be a Monday!

I know many of you likely get tired of hearing my family stories but think about it, they are really the only ones I have! I'm still remembering our great day yesterday where we honored my wife and my daughters-in-law for Mother's Day 2009, and that's what I am writing about on this humid Monday, May 11, 2009. I was able to catch up with my mom and express my love and appreciation to her. She and dad made a trip over to her younger brother's home where all the siblings could meet up and have a time of fellowship together. They must be a sight together. Uncle Asa is 87, Mom is 85, and Uncle Waymon is 83 and they all pretty much get up each day and do what they want to do, with certain limitations, of course. But what a privilege to be able to still call my mom, therefore, I do it often, sometimes several times a week. We also had a great Bible study class devoted to God's gift of moms. It was a time to celebrate the mothers present but also to remember those who have gone on to their reward. One of our dear ladies remembers how that her mom raised up 9 children and they always thought growing up she really liked to eat the chicken necks but later found out she did so in order for the children to have the best parts. Sounds like my mom. Sounds like your mom. Sounds like mom!

We ended up with 20 in our home and enjoyed a full afternoon of feasting and fellowship. Our three sons all did their part and brought their assigned food dishes. They also served their wives and their children and I served their mom, my wife. After that the little groups formed and the chattering began. The little ones were running up and down the stairs and the noise was loud, boisterous, and beautiful. After the smoke cleared and everyone was gone you could hardly tell that I spent most of Saturday afternoon cleaning and preparing for our big celebration. We also celebrated our middle son's wife's birthday. When we all gathered around the cake to sing, their little Alex was by then pretty much spent from running with Brady (Bray-Bray). He indicated he would help lead the singing and promptly folded his hands the same way he does when he prays. Everyone busted out laughing but it's the little unexpected funny things that make for a special time and a lasting memory. I have had people wonder out loud how every time we have a get together they seem to be the best ever. Yeah, I do tend to see it that way but to me that's my story and I am sticking to it. Our main objective was to see to it that our moms felt very honored and based on what I heard and saw, I believe they did! Mission accomplished!

After I get things here at the office opened up and ready for the day I will be leaving for an adventure called Jury Duty. We live in a county where nearly all things have become modernized and efficient EXCEPT for the jury system. I will be making a trek back into a combination of the 'Andy Griffith Show' along with some of the regulars from 'Hee Haw'. I've written about all of this before and today I will do my best to go with an open mind, enjoy the things that are funny, and do my best to fulfill my duty as a citizen. I will try not to be so critical of all the nonsensical rattling of papers and endless delays that supposedly make our justice system the great one that it is. I will have my Bible for reading although that might be a problem in becoming qualified on some cases but I can always take it to the car and leave it if it bothers one of the attorneys. Who knows? It might just turn out to be a super day and I may actually enjoy the entire process. Okay, so it's a dream. Some dreams do come true, haven't you heard? Have a great week and may God bless each one. Amen. ......More later.

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