Hello and welcome to Tuesday, June 29, 2021. I have been busy preparing for my upcoming treadmill heart test scheduled for early this upcoming Thursday. That's the test where they prove to you how unprepared you are to do intense exercise for even the 20 minutes of the typical test. I ordered in some tennis shoes but my police-style boots work best for me since I deal with a wee bit of neuropathy in my toes and the lightweight boots are more comfortable. I wore the tennis shoes religiously for two weeks but they just aren't as comfortable, and, they didn't offer me an endorsement deal. Back to the heart test. It is mostly explorative in nature because I do have some slight shortness of breath from time to time and the breathing test showed no issues along with the local EKG. It did take a few days for the insurance to give the go-ahead. Maybe they were waiting for one of the Supreme Court rulings. Who knows? I have the Kelsey Seybold Advantage Plan. I use Kelsey doctors. The test will be done in one of the Kelsey facilities. That delay seemed a little odd, but, as soon as they approved it they began to send me reminders to get the doggone thing scheduled. No pun intended and I sure wouldn't want to upset Mr. Bentley who has already objected to the term, dog-days of summer.
For those who would like to see a presentation of a God-centered, God-honoring, God-thanking patriotic program, I recommend the one we did last Sunday, at Mims Baptist in Conroe. Both Marilyn and I are a part of the Mims Choir. I was there and to be honest, there were parts that took my breath away. I believe the sermon by our pastor, Brother Doctor Jerry Chaddick, is as timely and applicable as any you will hear. Period. And, I again, say, 'Period!' As Bro. Jerry explains, there are many Churches, even so-called conservative evangelical Churches who have eliminated all vestiges of patriotism in their services. That, my friend, whatever the rationale, is a rejection of our founder's belief in God's provision and providence in the birthing of our nation. Here is the YouTube link to that service:
www.youtube.com/watch?v=_c-zKdxMRL8&t=115s (you may have to copy the link and paste it in your search engine. I don't know why it isn't clickable but it does work. I checked it.)
Yesterday, we had little Jedidiah with us again. I couldn't resist sharing the selfie I took of him and me out in the garage watching the rain pepper the driveway as we sang whatever it was he was singing. It was to the tune of "ah - ah - oh - oh" with several repeats. I labeled it, Jedidiah and Santa singing and watching the rain. I report, you decide. Enjoy and may God add His blessings. Amen. ....More later.