We made it. I'm standing here looking behind and I can see yesterday has faded and a new day has dawned. (I know. It is still dark, but, bear with me. It is intended as a figure of speech.) That new day happens to be the last one we will work with in this month of November, the 30th, here in 2018. We are getting ever closer to The Christmas that started for some retailers, seemingly, back in the summer. For the wife and I, our work related to the season starts in earnest beginning with a long day scheduled for tomorrow in the professional studio. With God's provision, we will be juggling this, that, and the other to make the many appearances on our schedule that runs through December 23rd. Thankfully, the Santa Enterprise will not interfere with our understanding of the Real Reason for the Season. In our upcoming lessons in the Sunday School class I help to teach, we will be looking at a number of passages that tell of how Jesus, the Jewish Messiah, and Savior of the world, came to live among men, women, boys, and girls here on the planet. The entirety of history prepared for His entrance where all of history found its purpose in His Story. Here's a little harmony song the wife and I have sung together for more years than I can remember. It is one of my favorites: "Ring the bells, ring the bells, Let the whole world know Christ was born in Bethlehem Many years ago: Born to die that man might live, Came to earth new life to give, Born of Mary, born so low, Many years ago. God the Father gave His Son, Gave His own beloved One. To this wicked, sinful earth, To bring mankind His love, new birth: Ring the bells, ring the bells, Let the whole world know Christ the Savior lives today As He did so long ago!" I suppose we can be called professional Christmas entertainers in our portrayal of Santa and Mrs. Claus. At the same time, we do our very best to keep Christ in Christmas. Amen.
Here's a tidbit I wrote 11 years ago on Thursday, November 29, 2007. It's worth our consideration again. ~ We have all heard the admonition that we should stop and smell the roses. It's one we should all pay heed to given the uncertainties of life. As I unlocked the main gate at our facility this morning at 5 a.m., the sky was bursting with brilliance from the light of the moon and stars. What a wonderful way to start the day by looking up and seeing the handiwork of our Great God! It reminds me of that song written by David found in Psalm 19 where he says the heavens declare the glory of God. He goes on in this great song to speak about various elements within God's created universe that essentially proclaim God's existence. I love the part where David said this: "There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard." In other words, God is speaking through His creation all over the world and no one can misunderstand the message. Question is, have we stopped to listen and respond? ~
One of the things that stay on our front burner as we approach the next few busy weeks: Our health. I can remember back when it no doubt was a part of our program, but, we actually never really thought too much about it. Not anymore. Okay. I'll say it. We are older folks engaged in what can be a very strenuous work and with all of our known ailments, it is something we have to consider. We will be handling children and based on our experience, some of them will bring with them their colds, sniffles, and other maladies. That's one reason we have been trying to walk as much as we can. Trying to keep all the bones working and in the right sockets. We made 3 miles one day. My hips were singing their own song and it was not a happy one. The Claus business is physical, it's verbal, and it does have some built-in stress due to the environment and its expectations. I'm just writing about it. I'm certainly not complaining. We are not forced to do it. And, it has been and continues to be very personally rewarding. I'm not just talking about the pay we receive. Let me put it this way. If the product you hope to deliver is joy, well, when you do that, what a great feeling comes over you. The elderly lady with tears in her eyes, the child in the wheelchair with a huge smile, and the hugs and the "I love you's" and on and on and on. Thanks for letting me share because, to tell the truth, I needed to hear about the joy stuff. I do hope you have yourself a great Saturday and Lord's Day Sunday. I will do my best to catch back up with you, come next Monday. May God bless each one. Amen. ....More later.
Friday, November 30, 2018
Thursday, November 29, 2018
Lyrics to the chorus of the song, He's Still Working on Me, written by Joel Hemphill: "He's still working on me To make me what I need to be It took him just a week to make the moon and stars The sun and the earth and Jupiter and Mars How loving and patient He must be 'Cause He's still workin' on me'."
Good morning and welcome to where it seems the only thing that never gets tired is time passing. It's Thursday, November 29, 2018, and I do hope that you are doing well. I have been working with a new webcam camera and the other day I made a test video and noticed that chalk drawing of me in the background. It was done back in the mid to late 1970s. It hung on my mom's photo wall in her den for many years. I got it back after she and dad passed on to their reward. I don't know why but seeing that image in the background of the video caused me to pause and think about all that has transpired in what, looking back, seems like a very short period of time. Don't get me wrong. The transition to becoming the Jolly Old Elf himself was intentional. However, the change still stops me in my tracks. There is at least 40 years difference in the two representations. As far as the video camera is concerned, I really am early in learning how to use it. I did make a 4-minute test devotional video and shared it with a group of folks and it was very well received. There is the possibility of doing custom videos as Santa for individual families and I might do some trial and error on that as well. It could become another product offering as part of our Santa Enterprise. One thing I will say about the two images. I am not the same person I was in the chalk drawing, and, I'm thankful for some growth, but, at the same time, I'm still growing and developing because it is a day by day process. And, yes, thank God, He is still working on me! Amen.
I think we all know there's plenty of hypocrisy to go around, however, sometimes the way it appears is both cruel and sad. You may have read about the young Christian missionary who went to a very remote island in India to try and reach some native people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He was killed by the indigenous people there. A number within the liberal left-leaning media opined how he actually got what he deserved. One went as far as to say the arrow that pierced his body did not kill him, it was his own pride and arrogance. He was used as a metaphor for how Christian missionaries have acted in history in imposing religious beliefs on people groups who had previously gotten along well without their message. He was said to have been an intruder who came into their territory as an unwanted trespasser. Many within the Christian missionary world concede that he could have perhaps used better judgment and different methods, but, how could anyone question his zeal in doing his best to fulfill the calling God placed on his life? My point? Wait for it. Wait for it. Here it is: This is about a bias against Christianity, pure and simple. These same liberal outlets applaud those who intrude into our country illegally. You can find out more about this faithful witness by looking up the many reports associated with his death. His name: John Allan Chau, from Washington State. He was killed by the people who inhabit a remote island off of India, named North Sentinel.
In case you missed it, the previous paragraph did contain my own interpretation, based on the way I see it. You would be right to say that no one is entitled to their own facts, but, everyone is entitled to come to their own conclusions having seen or heard the facts presented. You, my friend, can do the same. Or, at least, that's the way America has worked in the past. When I read about some of these rules being imposed on students at different universities, especially those that target religious beliefs, one wonders how long freedom will ring in our land of the free and home of the brave. One response to a question about how these rules restrict freedom had to do with their overall concern for inclusiveness which trumps individual freedoms. They agreed their rules trampled on the rights of some students, however, in today's world, it's how it goes. That, to me, is a very slippery slope. Very. Yet, I don't know why we are so surprised as believers. These types of matters are outlined in The Scriptures and are being fulfilled before our eyes. What can we do? Stand up for what we believe in and continue to trust in the God who will make all things right, in His own time. He is aware. And, He cares. Have a good rest of the day and Lord willing I'll see you next time where I hope to be sending out a new episode from The Home Office. May God bless. Amen. ....More later.
I think we all know there's plenty of hypocrisy to go around, however, sometimes the way it appears is both cruel and sad. You may have read about the young Christian missionary who went to a very remote island in India to try and reach some native people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He was killed by the indigenous people there. A number within the liberal left-leaning media opined how he actually got what he deserved. One went as far as to say the arrow that pierced his body did not kill him, it was his own pride and arrogance. He was used as a metaphor for how Christian missionaries have acted in history in imposing religious beliefs on people groups who had previously gotten along well without their message. He was said to have been an intruder who came into their territory as an unwanted trespasser. Many within the Christian missionary world concede that he could have perhaps used better judgment and different methods, but, how could anyone question his zeal in doing his best to fulfill the calling God placed on his life? My point? Wait for it. Wait for it. Here it is: This is about a bias against Christianity, pure and simple. These same liberal outlets applaud those who intrude into our country illegally. You can find out more about this faithful witness by looking up the many reports associated with his death. His name: John Allan Chau, from Washington State. He was killed by the people who inhabit a remote island off of India, named North Sentinel.
In case you missed it, the previous paragraph did contain my own interpretation, based on the way I see it. You would be right to say that no one is entitled to their own facts, but, everyone is entitled to come to their own conclusions having seen or heard the facts presented. You, my friend, can do the same. Or, at least, that's the way America has worked in the past. When I read about some of these rules being imposed on students at different universities, especially those that target religious beliefs, one wonders how long freedom will ring in our land of the free and home of the brave. One response to a question about how these rules restrict freedom had to do with their overall concern for inclusiveness which trumps individual freedoms. They agreed their rules trampled on the rights of some students, however, in today's world, it's how it goes. That, to me, is a very slippery slope. Very. Yet, I don't know why we are so surprised as believers. These types of matters are outlined in The Scriptures and are being fulfilled before our eyes. What can we do? Stand up for what we believe in and continue to trust in the God who will make all things right, in His own time. He is aware. And, He cares. Have a good rest of the day and Lord willing I'll see you next time where I hope to be sending out a new episode from The Home Office. May God bless. Amen. ....More later.
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
“Fears are educated into us, and can, if we wish, be educated out.” — Karl Augustus Menninger
Here we go again. We spin the wheel and where it will stop no one knows, on this Wednesday, November 28, 2018. Not entirely, since it did land on my blog and I have a copied piece for today's visit. This was not attributed and I copied from a posting on The Sunday Morning Gospel Show Facebook page. It may be original with the owner of that page, Randall Hamm. I did check other sources and was not able to find it anywhere else. It does reflect upon the tension we have in today's world, much of it generated by things shared on social media. Over time the conditioning hits us all. Sorry. But, it does. Here's the humorous take on this situation:
~ As we finalize 2018, I want to thank you Facebook, for your educational posts over the past year. I am totally messed up now and have little chance of recovery.
I can no longer open a bathroom door without using a paper towel, nor let the waitress put lemon slices in my ice water without worrying about the bacteria on the lemon peel.
I can't sit down on a hotel bedspread because I can only imagine what has happened on it since it was last washed and eating a little snack sends me on a guilt trip because I can only imagine how many gallons of trans fats I have consumed over the years.
I must send my special thanks for the post about rat poo in the glue on envelopes because I now have to use a wet sponge with every envelope that needs sealing. ALSO, now I have to scrub the top of every can I open for the same reason.
I find it difficult to use cancer-causing deodorants even though I smell like a water buffalo on a hot day. Because of your concern, I no longer drink Coca Cola because it can remove toilet stains.
Thanks to you I have learned that my prayers only get answered if I tag seven of my friends and make a wish within five minutes.
I no longer buy fuel without taking someone along to watch the car, so a serial killer doesn't crawl in my back seat when I'm filling up.
I no longer use Cling Wrap in the microwave because it causes seven different types of cancer and thanks for letting me know I can't boil a cup of water in the microwave anymore because it will blow up in my face, disfiguring me for life.
I no longer go to the cinema because I could be pricked with a needle infected with AIDS when I sit down, I no longer go to shopping centers because someone will drug me with a perfume sample and rob me and I no longer answer the phone because someone will ask me to dial a number for which I will get a huge phone bill with calls to Jamaica, Uganda, Singapore, and Uzbekistan.
I can't do gardening because I'm afraid I'll get bitten by the Violin Spider and my hand will fall off.
If you don't post this to your wall and tag at least 144,000 people in the next 7 minutes, a large dove with diarrhea will land on your head at 5:00 p.m. tomorrow afternoon, and the fleas from 120 camels will infest your back, causing you to grow a hairy hump. I know this will occur because it actually happened to a friend of my next door neighbor's ex-mother-in-law's second husband's cousin's best friend's beautician!
Oh, and by the way...
A German scientist from Argentina, after a lengthy study, has discovered that people with insufficient brain activity read FB with their hand on the mouse. (Don't bother taking it off now, it's too late.)
P. S. I now keep my toothbrush in the living room, because I was told that water splashes over 6 ft. out of the toilet. ~
All I can say is, there's a lot of truth in that little posting. I can tell you from first-hand experience as one who has achieved three score and ten plus two years of living here on the planet that had we been aware of those kinds of scary exposures when I was growing up, there's no way to estimate how much more messed up I would be. Fast forward to today. You should read some of the stuff sent to me. Much of it comes from people of faith. Really? An electronic version of a chain letter to bring luck? With a warning not to be the one who fails to forward it on? Now those kinds of things are pretty scary. Oh well, I do hope that you got a kick out of reading that posting. And, I hate it, but, I do need to add a public service caveat here. There are real dangers and we should pay attention because as we have recently learned, eating the lettuce could kill you. I may have tried that one on my mom growing up, but, back then, we didn't have a warning system, (except for the one that came with a plum tree switch), therefore, it wouldn't have worked. Think about that one. See you next time and may God bless us all is my prayer. Amen. ....More later.
~ As we finalize 2018, I want to thank you Facebook, for your educational posts over the past year. I am totally messed up now and have little chance of recovery.
I can no longer open a bathroom door without using a paper towel, nor let the waitress put lemon slices in my ice water without worrying about the bacteria on the lemon peel.
I can't sit down on a hotel bedspread because I can only imagine what has happened on it since it was last washed and eating a little snack sends me on a guilt trip because I can only imagine how many gallons of trans fats I have consumed over the years.
I must send my special thanks for the post about rat poo in the glue on envelopes because I now have to use a wet sponge with every envelope that needs sealing. ALSO, now I have to scrub the top of every can I open for the same reason.
I find it difficult to use cancer-causing deodorants even though I smell like a water buffalo on a hot day. Because of your concern, I no longer drink Coca Cola because it can remove toilet stains.
Thanks to you I have learned that my prayers only get answered if I tag seven of my friends and make a wish within five minutes.
I no longer buy fuel without taking someone along to watch the car, so a serial killer doesn't crawl in my back seat when I'm filling up.
I no longer use Cling Wrap in the microwave because it causes seven different types of cancer and thanks for letting me know I can't boil a cup of water in the microwave anymore because it will blow up in my face, disfiguring me for life.
I no longer go to the cinema because I could be pricked with a needle infected with AIDS when I sit down, I no longer go to shopping centers because someone will drug me with a perfume sample and rob me and I no longer answer the phone because someone will ask me to dial a number for which I will get a huge phone bill with calls to Jamaica, Uganda, Singapore, and Uzbekistan.
I can't do gardening because I'm afraid I'll get bitten by the Violin Spider and my hand will fall off.
If you don't post this to your wall and tag at least 144,000 people in the next 7 minutes, a large dove with diarrhea will land on your head at 5:00 p.m. tomorrow afternoon, and the fleas from 120 camels will infest your back, causing you to grow a hairy hump. I know this will occur because it actually happened to a friend of my next door neighbor's ex-mother-in-law's second husband's cousin's best friend's beautician!
Oh, and by the way...
A German scientist from Argentina, after a lengthy study, has discovered that people with insufficient brain activity read FB with their hand on the mouse. (Don't bother taking it off now, it's too late.)
P. S. I now keep my toothbrush in the living room, because I was told that water splashes over 6 ft. out of the toilet. ~
All I can say is, there's a lot of truth in that little posting. I can tell you from first-hand experience as one who has achieved three score and ten plus two years of living here on the planet that had we been aware of those kinds of scary exposures when I was growing up, there's no way to estimate how much more messed up I would be. Fast forward to today. You should read some of the stuff sent to me. Much of it comes from people of faith. Really? An electronic version of a chain letter to bring luck? With a warning not to be the one who fails to forward it on? Now those kinds of things are pretty scary. Oh well, I do hope that you got a kick out of reading that posting. And, I hate it, but, I do need to add a public service caveat here. There are real dangers and we should pay attention because as we have recently learned, eating the lettuce could kill you. I may have tried that one on my mom growing up, but, back then, we didn't have a warning system, (except for the one that came with a plum tree switch), therefore, it wouldn't have worked. Think about that one. See you next time and may God bless us all is my prayer. Amen. ....More later.
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Gospel of Mark, Chapter 12, 41) "Now Jesus sat opposite the treasury and saw how the people put money into the treasury. And many who were rich put in much. 42) Then one poor widow came and threw in two mites, which make a quadrans. 43) So He called His disciples to Himself and said to them, “Assuredly, I say to you that this poor widow has put in more than all those who have given to the treasury; 44) for they all put in out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all that she had, her whole livelihood." New King James Version, (NKJV)
Good morning where today many will be participating in something called Giving Tuesday, here on this November 27, 2018. Following Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday, where purchasing was championed, today is a day emphasizing the giving to causes to support the less fortunate. I mention this only to say that technology has ushered in a whole new world in terms of giving opportunities. One cannot open any of the social media platforms without being offered an opportunity to help fund every cause under the sun. The same goes for email, the bell ringers at the front doors of businesses, and a plethora of other folks with their hands out for what often appears to be legitimate needs. Of course, these are all in addition to giving through local congregations and religious institutions. A firm that tracks giving, Charity Navigator, reported that over $410 billion was given to charities in America last year. A whopping 70% of this came from individuals and it represented more than a 5% increase over the previous year. America leads the world in giving as a percentage of our GDP, (Gross Domestic Product). This comes from a study by the Charities Aid Foundation. Following the US was New Zealand, Canada, and the United Kingdom. One thing is clear from The Scriptures, those who identify as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ are called to be givers. Not just money. In the life of a believer, everything should flow from a giving heart. I do have one caveat to share. I would advise anyone responding to these appeals to check out those collecting the funds. Some add a surcharge. In fact, sadly, there are some operating where very little of the monies collected end up going to the cause being promoted. As always, it pays to check things out.
I am running a little late today because of that creepy thing that slips up on me from time to time: Writers Block. It's not from me not having stuff to share, but, even though it may not be evident, I do try to choose things that will have a modicum of interest. I typically sit in the same pew in the local fellowship where we attend. There's a fairly large circle in that area that I have come to recognize and know, to a surface degree. I usually wear a suit and tie. Some of them know that I am Santa but many do not. It's interesting to see their reaction when they find out. The other day a lady said to me, "Here I am sitting a couple of rows from you all the time and I didn't know you were Santa." She continued, "But, when my daughter sent me a photo of my granddaughter in your lap, well, I told her, I know those people, they go to my Church, and I sit near them every Sunday!" Grandkids. Instant recognition. They will do it every time. The photo above is one taken by a professional photographer in an outdoor shoot we did a few weeks ago. (Her name is Amy Osborne and that little logo thingie on the photo means it is her proprietary work.) The little girl is whispering what she wants for Christmas. This is the first one she has put up on her Facebook page but I look forward to seeing the others she took that day.
Yep. You got it right on the first guess. I am still searching for something good to share but at the same time, I am sharing on my way to getting there. It's not as if I haven't been in this place before. I've read quite a lot about what one should do when faced with a blank page. I think one of the common threads is to keep on keeping on, keep on writing. Write through it. I do hate to drag my readers along for the ride, but, once again, it is a daily blog, therefore, not every one of them are going to be winners. But, you knew that already. My grandfather always had a cure for whatever he thought was ailing me. If I wasn't running a temperature, he suggested accompanying him to the garden or to assist in whatever project he was working on. His answer for nearly anything and everything was to get up off your backside and get to work. If nothing else that would provide a distraction. I think I've distracted us all enough for one day. One thing I can feel good about is how that God knows everything about each and every one. The good, the bad, the ugly, and everything in between. In a recent lesson in our Bible study group, I'm not sure why but this verse stuck out to me, "When the LORD saw that Leah was not loved, he enabled her to conceive, but Rachel remained childless." (Genesis 29:31) Was God paying attention? Was He aware of exactly what was going on? Some of us live as if He only cares about the monumental. Nope. He cares about it all even when we might be unloved. Like I say, I'm not completely sure why that verse hit me, but, it did, therefore, I thought it worth sharing. Take care. Now. You hear? May God bless each one. Amen. ....More later.
I am running a little late today because of that creepy thing that slips up on me from time to time: Writers Block. It's not from me not having stuff to share, but, even though it may not be evident, I do try to choose things that will have a modicum of interest. I typically sit in the same pew in the local fellowship where we attend. There's a fairly large circle in that area that I have come to recognize and know, to a surface degree. I usually wear a suit and tie. Some of them know that I am Santa but many do not. It's interesting to see their reaction when they find out. The other day a lady said to me, "Here I am sitting a couple of rows from you all the time and I didn't know you were Santa." She continued, "But, when my daughter sent me a photo of my granddaughter in your lap, well, I told her, I know those people, they go to my Church, and I sit near them every Sunday!" Grandkids. Instant recognition. They will do it every time. The photo above is one taken by a professional photographer in an outdoor shoot we did a few weeks ago. (Her name is Amy Osborne and that little logo thingie on the photo means it is her proprietary work.) The little girl is whispering what she wants for Christmas. This is the first one she has put up on her Facebook page but I look forward to seeing the others she took that day.
Yep. You got it right on the first guess. I am still searching for something good to share but at the same time, I am sharing on my way to getting there. It's not as if I haven't been in this place before. I've read quite a lot about what one should do when faced with a blank page. I think one of the common threads is to keep on keeping on, keep on writing. Write through it. I do hate to drag my readers along for the ride, but, once again, it is a daily blog, therefore, not every one of them are going to be winners. But, you knew that already. My grandfather always had a cure for whatever he thought was ailing me. If I wasn't running a temperature, he suggested accompanying him to the garden or to assist in whatever project he was working on. His answer for nearly anything and everything was to get up off your backside and get to work. If nothing else that would provide a distraction. I think I've distracted us all enough for one day. One thing I can feel good about is how that God knows everything about each and every one. The good, the bad, the ugly, and everything in between. In a recent lesson in our Bible study group, I'm not sure why but this verse stuck out to me, "When the LORD saw that Leah was not loved, he enabled her to conceive, but Rachel remained childless." (Genesis 29:31) Was God paying attention? Was He aware of exactly what was going on? Some of us live as if He only cares about the monumental. Nope. He cares about it all even when we might be unloved. Like I say, I'm not completely sure why that verse hit me, but, it did, therefore, I thought it worth sharing. Take care. Now. You hear? May God bless each one. Amen. ....More later.
Monday, November 26, 2018
"Slaves, your job is to obey your masters, not with the idea of currying favour, but as a sincere expression of your devotion to God. Whatever you do, put your whole heart and soul into it, as into work done for God, and not merely for men—knowing that your real reward, a heavenly one, will come from God, since you are actually employed by Christ, and not just by your earthly master. But the wicked man will be punished for his misdeeds, and naturally no distinction will be made between master and man." ~ Colossians 3:22-25 as rendered by The New Testament in Modern English by J.B Phillips
Welcome back to my little corner of the world. Or, better said, my inestimably small and my insignificantly tiny piece of the blogosphere. That's where this episode is cataloged until a meteor strikes the server farm where it resides. Don't be concerned, no one will even know it is missing. No. Those who know I have a rural background, the server farm has to do with technology, not agriculture. It is good to welcome you today to The Home Office on this Monday, November 26, 2018. We had Thanksgiving Day, Black Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and now it's time for many to return to their workstation on what they might think of as Bleak Monday. I never felt that way about it, but, my oh my, I've known plenty who treated nearly every Monday in that way. It was a part of my routine for so many years, therefore, I actually never dreaded it. At all. It was curious to me how some of the younger workers could drag in and they would tell me how fortunate I was to be able to retire when I wanted to. Dreaming about retirement? They still had thirty plus years to go. I'm not trying to be a smart aleck here, just pointing out how we are all put together differently. I can remember when they tried to force my grandfather out of his Civil Service Carpenter Leaderman's job at 65. He applied and was granted an extension to age 70, but, the people in charge most likely had someone in mind for his job. They may have already made some plans. They treated this extension with some hostility, but, my grandfather just did what he always did, outworked all of those on his crew, every single day. Maybe I got just a smidgen of the old-fashioned gumption he had. Maybe. Even a smidgen would be a great compliment.
Sorry about writing so much stuff about the working life. It is a part of my DNA and since this is the blog I write and I am limited to whatever the gray cells provide for me each day, well, WYSISYG. (What You See Is What You Get) Maybe I will become a world traveler in this next phase of my journey. That will give me something new to write about. I might rejoin my roots of being into hunting and fishing and camping. Nearly all of those endeavors would provide many anecdotal scenarios for me to share. Or, I might continue to chug along and do my best to follow the prescription from the old song, "Brighten the corner where you are! Brighten the corner where you are! Someone far from harbor 'you' may guide across the bar; Brighten the corner where you are!" Let me know if you need any additional interpretation of those lyrics, but, essentially, they tell us to do our best to make a difference wherever we happen to be and in whatever we find ourselves engaged in. Especially, as it relates to helping others. People have done that for me in my life. At times when I needed some encouragement. That kind of thing. Or, maybe, I will continue to perfect my napping skills, although, based on what I hear, I'm pretty much at the top of my game already.
Some time ago when I would slip up or make a mistake I would joke and say, "Well, you know how it is with old people." Folks would laugh. They knew I was joking. If I say that today, they nod in agreement. Don't tell me it's easy to be 72 years young. And, the worst part, I get why it is no longer a joke. I almost wish I didn't. But, that is some of the reality I deal with on a much too frequent basis. Take it all in stride. Or, at least try. When we were at our Thanksgiving Day gathering in our eldest son's home, he and our youngest had the NFL football game on. I told them this was our second year to not watch any of the games. Our youngest explained he did that for a while but it came to him that he was not going to let a few players protesting take something he really enjoyed away from him. They both chimed in that in the games they are watching they haven't seen any of the protestings anyway. I know it continues to be a controversial situation and I'm not trying to be some kind of martyr. I stopped watching because it is a choice to watch or not. I didn't think the kneeling was an appropriate show of respect for a public, paid entertainment event. Some say the viewers at home watch it free. Really? Have you tallied the number of commercials lately? Just sayin. Everyone can decide for themselves. I don't have any problem with those who watch and obviously, I don't have any problem with those who don't. In the time it was on I could recall how I used to be so focused on it. It is easy to get on that bandwagon, but, that train left for us. But, we do still watch some college football. Feel free to make your own choice. And, always remember, watch it or not watch it, God loves us all. Amen. ....More later.
Sorry about writing so much stuff about the working life. It is a part of my DNA and since this is the blog I write and I am limited to whatever the gray cells provide for me each day, well, WYSISYG. (What You See Is What You Get) Maybe I will become a world traveler in this next phase of my journey. That will give me something new to write about. I might rejoin my roots of being into hunting and fishing and camping. Nearly all of those endeavors would provide many anecdotal scenarios for me to share. Or, I might continue to chug along and do my best to follow the prescription from the old song, "Brighten the corner where you are! Brighten the corner where you are! Someone far from harbor 'you' may guide across the bar; Brighten the corner where you are!" Let me know if you need any additional interpretation of those lyrics, but, essentially, they tell us to do our best to make a difference wherever we happen to be and in whatever we find ourselves engaged in. Especially, as it relates to helping others. People have done that for me in my life. At times when I needed some encouragement. That kind of thing. Or, maybe, I will continue to perfect my napping skills, although, based on what I hear, I'm pretty much at the top of my game already.
Some time ago when I would slip up or make a mistake I would joke and say, "Well, you know how it is with old people." Folks would laugh. They knew I was joking. If I say that today, they nod in agreement. Don't tell me it's easy to be 72 years young. And, the worst part, I get why it is no longer a joke. I almost wish I didn't. But, that is some of the reality I deal with on a much too frequent basis. Take it all in stride. Or, at least try. When we were at our Thanksgiving Day gathering in our eldest son's home, he and our youngest had the NFL football game on. I told them this was our second year to not watch any of the games. Our youngest explained he did that for a while but it came to him that he was not going to let a few players protesting take something he really enjoyed away from him. They both chimed in that in the games they are watching they haven't seen any of the protestings anyway. I know it continues to be a controversial situation and I'm not trying to be some kind of martyr. I stopped watching because it is a choice to watch or not. I didn't think the kneeling was an appropriate show of respect for a public, paid entertainment event. Some say the viewers at home watch it free. Really? Have you tallied the number of commercials lately? Just sayin. Everyone can decide for themselves. I don't have any problem with those who watch and obviously, I don't have any problem with those who don't. In the time it was on I could recall how I used to be so focused on it. It is easy to get on that bandwagon, but, that train left for us. But, we do still watch some college football. Feel free to make your own choice. And, always remember, watch it or not watch it, God loves us all. Amen. ....More later.
Friday, November 23, 2018
Trying to get the brain waves at least on the same page this morning.
Good morning. It's the Friday, (November 23, 2018), after Thanksgiving Day and I rise up to say I'm still thankful. Especially so for the wonderful time of family feasting and fellowship we enjoyed. Yes. This is Black Friday for the retail world. The original designation of this shopping day was related to the number of accidents on the roadways and it had a negative connotation. Retailers were not happy with their price cutting day being associated with such a downer, therefore, it was later changed to indicate the black ink used to book profits. It became a day when those selling merchandise could get their books back into the black, so to speak. Nowadays, they keep up with the number of people injured trying to get to the items on sale. These incidents typically go viral as people capture the pushing, shoving, and sometimes, the trampling of eager shoppers. We went to the big mall to drop two of our granddaughters off Thursday evening. They were reporting to work there as many of the stores opened from 6 p.m. to midnight. We decided to park and do some walking. Some of the stores had folks lined up pretty deep. Others, not so much. We did maybe 3 miles and then negated some of our burned calories by sipping on a small Icee at the food court. The wife commented how nice it was to be able to just knock about without having to worry about work schedules and the like. I can't remember if I gave one or two grunts. Other than the drinks, we didn't buy anything. I give four grunts to that one.
I will be the first to admit to being a wee bit groggy this morning. Maybe I tripped out on the tryptophan. (L-tryptophan is an essential amino acid. The body can't make it, so diet must supply tryptophan. Amino acids are building blocks of proteins. Foods rich in tryptophan include, you guessed it, turkey. Tryptophan is also found in other poultry, meat, cheese, yogurt, fish, and eggs.) You can look it up for yourself, but, current science tells us the sleep-inducing attributes of turkey are very much overblown. Maybe it's the thought that it helps one to sleep that causes one to be helped to sleep. Since I have retired, I am hearing a lot of those around me discussing my nodding off habits. They seem to like the one that describes me in mid-sentence going from words to snoring. I believe there may be a legend in the making. My wife tends to encourage their exaggerations. One of the granddaughters tells others not to try to talk with her Poppy anymore after you hear the last click on his recliner because he will no longer be conscious of his surroundings. See what I mean? Everyone has to be known for something. Right?
I hope you have had a good week thus far. We still have today and tomorrow to complete the transaction. After that, we begin a brand new week on Lord's Day Sunday. We follow the practice of the early called out assemblies (Churches) in honoring Him and His resurrection by gathering together on the First Day of the week. (Acts 20:7, 1 Corinthians 16:2) If you are into lively debates, you can research the subject about Sabbath worship and the discussions regarding what day to do so. There's plenty of discussions to review out on the web. My conclusion says that we are all better off anytime we choose to meet up with others who assemble to worship the Lord and to build each other up in the faith. That is pretty much a no-brainer. I know some congregations offer services on other days as well. The main thing is to be there and to adopt it as a practice. You know. Habit. Some habits are good. Maybe not the nodding off in mid-sentence one, but, attending services to the honor God, well, that my friend, is a great one! Amen. ....More later.
I will be the first to admit to being a wee bit groggy this morning. Maybe I tripped out on the tryptophan. (L-tryptophan is an essential amino acid. The body can't make it, so diet must supply tryptophan. Amino acids are building blocks of proteins. Foods rich in tryptophan include, you guessed it, turkey. Tryptophan is also found in other poultry, meat, cheese, yogurt, fish, and eggs.) You can look it up for yourself, but, current science tells us the sleep-inducing attributes of turkey are very much overblown. Maybe it's the thought that it helps one to sleep that causes one to be helped to sleep. Since I have retired, I am hearing a lot of those around me discussing my nodding off habits. They seem to like the one that describes me in mid-sentence going from words to snoring. I believe there may be a legend in the making. My wife tends to encourage their exaggerations. One of the granddaughters tells others not to try to talk with her Poppy anymore after you hear the last click on his recliner because he will no longer be conscious of his surroundings. See what I mean? Everyone has to be known for something. Right?
I hope you have had a good week thus far. We still have today and tomorrow to complete the transaction. After that, we begin a brand new week on Lord's Day Sunday. We follow the practice of the early called out assemblies (Churches) in honoring Him and His resurrection by gathering together on the First Day of the week. (Acts 20:7, 1 Corinthians 16:2) If you are into lively debates, you can research the subject about Sabbath worship and the discussions regarding what day to do so. There's plenty of discussions to review out on the web. My conclusion says that we are all better off anytime we choose to meet up with others who assemble to worship the Lord and to build each other up in the faith. That is pretty much a no-brainer. I know some congregations offer services on other days as well. The main thing is to be there and to adopt it as a practice. You know. Habit. Some habits are good. Maybe not the nodding off in mid-sentence one, but, attending services to the honor God, well, that my friend, is a great one! Amen. ....More later.
Thursday, November 22, 2018
Wednesday, November 21, 2018
"Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is. And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another in the fear of God." ~ The Apostle Paul, Ephesians 5:17-21
Today is Wednesday, November 21, 2018. It is the day before Thanksgiving Day. I have seen many folks posting on social media a different item or area of thankfulness for each day leading up to Thanksgiving Day. For believers in Jesus, the fact that He died on our behalf, called us, and we responded to His saving rescue, means our salvation will always be at the top of the list. Nothing can top that in this world. Nothing. My paraphrase: "What shall it profit someone to gain the whole world but end up losing their soul?" (Gospel of Mark, Chapter 8, Verse 36) I see those who are generally thankful for being born in this country. After all, that's where this tradition of setting aside a day to thank God came from. Many mention family, the job they have, the financial resources they possess, and the freedoms that are ours to enjoy. These are wonderful reasons for anyone to be thankful. However, the spiritual relationship with God is still the whole duty of man. (Ecclesiastes 12:13) The unsurpassed privilege of being known as a child of the Living God, Creator of all things, through the finished work of Jesus the Christ, that my friend, is the ultimate reason for having a thankful heart. We might well ask how a true heart of thanksgiving reveals itself. Simply stated, but profound in both its explanation as well as its application is our calling to Love the Lord our God with every fiber of our being and then, as a result, to love others as we love ourselves. (Matthew 22:37-39) Thankfully, God knows we cannot do this on our own. He has given Himself in the presence of His abiding Holy Spirit who lives within us and seeks to help our infirmities so that we might love the Lord and others as the priority of our lives. That should give me something to think about during our time set aside to focus on thankfulness. What say you?
Yesterday, I wrote on the email accompanying my blog that many receive, it had this as the subject line: I am thankful for being thankful. If you recognize the grace God has shown in your life. If you recognize His working on your behalf. If you see your total dependence upon Him. If you hear from Him often as He speaks through His Word. And, your response is one of humility and thankfulness, may I just say that response in and of itself is a blessing from above. When we really see ourselves as God sees us and realize our dependence upon Him and His willingness to shower us with His grace, well, we rejoice with a thankful heart. Why is it that at times we have an issue with a lack of thankfulness? The Apostle Peter told those he wrote to, by Holy Spirit inspiration, that if they fail to stay focused on the things that build them up in the faith, it can develop a serious problem. One that Peter calls a forgetting problem. Here's how he put it, "For he who lacks these things is shortsighted, even to blindness, and has forgotten that he was cleansed from his old sins." (2nd Peter 1:9) It is pretty scary, in fact, it's frightening, to think a true believer can get off track to the extent they FORGET their sins have been washed away by the blood of the Lamb. Someone in that situation, since they have forgotten, they will not be thankful for the greatest gift they could ever have. See what I mean? We need to stay focused so that our walk with the Lord informs the living out of our life each and every day. Amen.
Again, please don't picture me as the red-faced preacher with a condemning message. I am only sharing my story, and I'm doing so from the perspective of one who knows how much he needs the Lord every single second of every single minute of every single hour of every single day. "Lord, help us to see all that You have done in the past, are doing in the present, and that we are assured of from You in the future." When we get a glimpse of these blessings, well, we will have a bubbling up and overflowing of thankfulness to our Great God. Amen. .....More later.
Yesterday, I wrote on the email accompanying my blog that many receive, it had this as the subject line: I am thankful for being thankful. If you recognize the grace God has shown in your life. If you recognize His working on your behalf. If you see your total dependence upon Him. If you hear from Him often as He speaks through His Word. And, your response is one of humility and thankfulness, may I just say that response in and of itself is a blessing from above. When we really see ourselves as God sees us and realize our dependence upon Him and His willingness to shower us with His grace, well, we rejoice with a thankful heart. Why is it that at times we have an issue with a lack of thankfulness? The Apostle Peter told those he wrote to, by Holy Spirit inspiration, that if they fail to stay focused on the things that build them up in the faith, it can develop a serious problem. One that Peter calls a forgetting problem. Here's how he put it, "For he who lacks these things is shortsighted, even to blindness, and has forgotten that he was cleansed from his old sins." (2nd Peter 1:9) It is pretty scary, in fact, it's frightening, to think a true believer can get off track to the extent they FORGET their sins have been washed away by the blood of the Lamb. Someone in that situation, since they have forgotten, they will not be thankful for the greatest gift they could ever have. See what I mean? We need to stay focused so that our walk with the Lord informs the living out of our life each and every day. Amen.
Again, please don't picture me as the red-faced preacher with a condemning message. I am only sharing my story, and I'm doing so from the perspective of one who knows how much he needs the Lord every single second of every single minute of every single hour of every single day. "Lord, help us to see all that You have done in the past, are doing in the present, and that we are assured of from You in the future." When we get a glimpse of these blessings, well, we will have a bubbling up and overflowing of thankfulness to our Great God. Amen. .....More later.
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
"O Lord our God and heavenly Father, which of Thy unspeakable mercy towards us, hast provided meate and drinke for the nourishment of our weake bodies. Grant us peace to use them reverently, as from Thy hands, with thankful hearts: let Thy blessing rest upon these Thy good creatures, to our comfort and sustentation: and grant we humbly beseech Thee, good Lord, that as we doe hunger and thirst for this food of our bodies, so our soules may earnestly long after the food of eternal life, through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour, Amen." ~ George Webb, 'Short direction for the daily exercise of the Christian, 1625.' Courtesy of Plimoth Plantation, located in Plymouth, Mass.
Good Tuesday morning on this November 20, 2018. We have set aside later today to gather everything we need to get ready for our Thanksgiving family gathering. Our eldest son and his wife are hosting this year and we will be taking our contributions to the feasting table to their home. I always look forward to us getting together. Family and fellowship. And, lest I not be fully honest, I also look forward to enjoying foods that have been a part of my life since I was a wee little lad. Everyone has their own traditions. That's a good thing. Many will enjoy a turkey and a ham. We will too. It will be the side dishes that speak to our memory of days gone by. I am thankful for my wife and how she worked for years to replicate the special dishes that combined our history including those prepared by her mom, my Granny Mac, and my mother. The other evening we celebrated a long day working on behalf of the Santa Enterprise by eating out at a well-known steak restaurant. Everything was excellent. We enjoyed it. However, I know it may be just me but I would always and forever just as soon eat my wife's cooking, period, end of story. The older I get it's the more I feel this way. She isn't quite as fixated as I am, but, after all is said and done, most of the work in doing the meal preparation is clearly in her domain. Home cooked meals. It's a novelty for some, but, for me, it is a way of life and I thank God for His provision in this area.
Growing up, I was always a willing test sampler of all things being prepared in the kitchen. Everyone knew to go light on breakfast on Thanksgiving Day because as we used to say, "We need to leave room for the good stuff coming soon." I can remember my grandfather and how proud he was to call us all to the feasting table. The table was covered with the foods that dreams were made of. He would look around the room to make sure we were all in our places, then, he would call on Granny Mac to word the prayer. She may not have been an eloquent person, but, she knew how to pray down a blessing from above. When the last Amen was said we kids would be reminded not to let our eyes be bigger than our stomachs. My grandparents and my mom were fanatical about not wasting food. I later came to know it had something to do with their experiences during The Great Depression and in their dealing with the food shortages during WWII. I will go ahead and admit it. That was never too much of a problem for me. I could pretty well hold my own in clearing the food on my plate. Even as a kid. I've seen those memes popping up on Facebook how that it is a good idea not to forget to set our scales back ten pounds for this week. I told someone I had quit weighing when the scale gave me this message: One at a time, please. I am sorry to go on and on about food, but, when you really think about it, in our tradition, next to being thankful it is a major part of the main agenda for this week.
Let me also make clear to everyone that preparing all of these dishes is not easy, nor is it for the fainthearted. There's a lot of pressure on those doing the signature dishes. My mom was well known for her chicken and dumplings. My boys loved this dish. She would always add just a wee bit of yellow food coloring to make her dumplings shine. On one Thanksgiving Day, she accidentally got hold of the red food coloring and ended up with rosy pink dumplings. She was devastated. She may have even cried. My boys, along with the rest of the dumpling lovers found out the color wasn't as important as the taste as they devoured her rose-colored dumplings. Thanksgiving Day was saved! The boys still talk about that day. And, they still love dumplings. Their mom will be preparing them onsite in our son's home because she wants them to be super fresh. And, I don't think she uses food coloring. I'm not sure. You see, I love nearly everything that goes on the table, however, I am not a dumpling fan. I would rather have another helping of cornbread dressing. Thank you very much. Now that we are all hungry, the experts would tell us to eat a rice cake or something. To be honest, I've never developed a taste for styrofoam. But, to each his or her own. Have a great rest of the day and may our Great God add His blessings. Amen. ....More later.
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My mom's parents: Granny and Paw Paw Mac |
Let me also make clear to everyone that preparing all of these dishes is not easy, nor is it for the fainthearted. There's a lot of pressure on those doing the signature dishes. My mom was well known for her chicken and dumplings. My boys loved this dish. She would always add just a wee bit of yellow food coloring to make her dumplings shine. On one Thanksgiving Day, she accidentally got hold of the red food coloring and ended up with rosy pink dumplings. She was devastated. She may have even cried. My boys, along with the rest of the dumpling lovers found out the color wasn't as important as the taste as they devoured her rose-colored dumplings. Thanksgiving Day was saved! The boys still talk about that day. And, they still love dumplings. Their mom will be preparing them onsite in our son's home because she wants them to be super fresh. And, I don't think she uses food coloring. I'm not sure. You see, I love nearly everything that goes on the table, however, I am not a dumpling fan. I would rather have another helping of cornbread dressing. Thank you very much. Now that we are all hungry, the experts would tell us to eat a rice cake or something. To be honest, I've never developed a taste for styrofoam. But, to each his or her own. Have a great rest of the day and may our Great God add His blessings. Amen. ....More later.
Monday, November 19, 2018
You have no idea what I have to put up with!
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What's not to love? |
Please don't send me any Dobson books on how to love my wife, or, some contact information for someone you think who might be able to help me. First, and foremost, I do love my wife and I do my best to demonstrate that to her in keeping with the mandate given by God, ("Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her..." Ephesians 5:22) I don't always accomplish this but that is my desire. Secondly, I only joke around about her and how the kids love her so much. It hardly bothers me at all. In fact, it doesn't really bother me, bother me, bother me, one bit. It is all in good fun. I have to tell the truth. I spend 15 minutes in the professional studio with each child or group. She actually entertains them until the parents view the proofs and make their choices. At times she is surrounded by children. And, in all fairness, I did, (you can ask her), tell her how I believed she worked harder than me in our time in the studio last Friday. I still remember the year she wasn't able to be with me at one of the major venues we do each year. She was recovering from some surgery. We've done that program for years. So many of the ladies there came by and told me they knew I was having a tough time without my Mrs. Claus and how sorry they were for me and for her not being able to be there. What's the deal? Did they all get together in a back room and agree to go and try to cheer up the sad little Santa? They, just so you know, were right. I always. I always do much better when she is with me. I just didn't know it showed that much.
I want to send out a huge thank you to the wife's sister, Dorothy, for coming and spending a couple of days to help decorate our place for Christmas. I also thank my wife for doing the tree. The two of them together, known as twins born 18 months apart, make a wonderful team. It's pretty amazing just to be around these two. But, you would have to see it to understand. It's something I've had a front row seat for viewing for 50 plus years. We did all of this early so we can invite some friends in to make selfies for their Christmas cards. We did it last year and it worked pretty well. Finding the time will be the challenge. Everyone is so busy and our schedule is pretty hectic this year. But, they did a fine job and it is ready for photos when we can arrange it. I know many are busy getting ready to get ready for the Thanksgiving Day celebrations. Us too. We are already talking about it and making plans. Let's all do our best in the midst of the hustle and bustle to remember that it is about being thankful. In our world, that means being thankful to God. We have so much to be thankful for, but, we don't always take the time to rehearse our thankfulness back to our Heavenly Father. This week can help us to remember to remember. I am thankful and pray His blessings on us all. Amen. ....More later.
Friday, November 16, 2018
“Think of your mother and smile for all of the good precious moments.” ~ Ana Monnar
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Mom and Dad with us in Jasper, Texas in 2013. |
I spotted this recollection for Flashback Friday. The wife's brother, Preacher Boy Milton Rawles, left this life and went to his heavenly home on January 31, 2016, at the age of 75. Eleven years ago, I had this to say about us meeting up with him and his dear wife, Glenda. ~ We May Never Pass This Way Again, My wife’s brother and his wife were in the area this week because he was preaching in revival services nearby. Bro. Milton and I go way back. He surrendered to God’s calling to preach the same year my wife and I were married. We became his first wedding. This was in December of 1964. I’m not sure who was more nervous, he or I, but we made it through it and now he likes to tell people that he must have tied the knot really good because it’s still holding. Well, our response is that it’s still holding only by the grace of God but we love and appreciate this great couple. Bro. Milton has been in the ministry now for nearly forty-four years and he still keeps a busy schedule preaching all over the United States. I know the only man in the Bible called "a man after God’s own heart", was King David, but I’ve often said this same thing about Milton. He has been a champion in the race God has given him to run. Today he’s plagued with a number of health issues but seeks to serve God faithfully until that day when he takes his flight to his real home. My wife and I met them for lunch yesterday and it was a wonderful time. Unfortunately, the first twenty minutes were spent catching each other up on all the body parts that are suspect or causing us trouble. I thought to myself they might as well bring four bottles of glucose and hook us up! We had a great time bringing each other up to date on our families. They shared stuff about their two sons and all that’s happening in their families. And, of course, we were more than willing to talk about our clan and all that is going on in our world. It was a special time and one that we will treasure. ~
You thought what? That surely by now I would have run out of something to write about? Here's a little secret. I most likely did some time ago but that didn't keep me from my keyboard. That's how I roll. The other day I saw a missed call on my cell phone. I returned it. It was the wonderful man I worked for during the past 12 years, Bro. Ronnie. He apologized for accidentally calling my number. We talked for the next 20 minutes. I so enjoyed that accidental call. I told him how that at times I still immediately think of my work schedule when I am planning something in the future. How I would manage to get to work, get things done, get off, and then get to that particular event. We laughed. This phone call gave me another opportunity to express my appreciation to him and his family for all they did over all those years for me and my family. As for the retirement game, well, the word is getting around. One day this week, an older couple driving by stopped to congratulate me on my retirement. I told them it was an interesting adventure and that to me it was basically going from one job to another job. They laughed and said they supposed I had a new boss now. I told them that I had not accomplished a lot thus far but I had perfected how to say, "Yes Mam." They roared. I'm glad they got a good laugh out of it. I'm not sure it was that funny. Oh well, the journey continues. Have a great day, a good Saturday, and don't forget that Sunday is the day set aside to worship our Lord together. You know, down at the meeting place. Until next time, may God bless each one. Amen. ...More later.
Thursday, November 15, 2018
"A dress that zips up the back will bring a husband and wife together." ~ James H. Boren
We are clicking right along. That's a very timely metaphor as I sit here at the keyboard here in The Home Office. I bid you greetings on this, another day in the neighborhood, Thursday, November 15, 2018. How do you like these colder temperatures? Nice! Me too! I didn't enjoy as much all the preparation we went through to get ready for the cold. On Tuesday, we moved all the outdoor plants into She-Shed Number Two. Some of these plants will make your back squeal like a piglet. They are that heavy. We purchased a new dolly with larger rubber tires. It helped. I wrapped the faucets just to be sure. The owner and operator of the She-Shed franchise on our property decided it would be a good time to mow the leaves. I drove the riding mower and she used the walk behind. The temps were in the mid to high 30's but the wind was blowing about 20 miles per hour. It was so much fun! You know. Us. Working together as a team. I'm not that skilled at driving the riding mower. I did run over a few things. She didn't say anything although when she discovered the scene of the issue she did an amazing pantomime with a lot of motioning of her arms. I couldn't read her lips, but, I'm pretty sure that I should not do that again. She may have been expressing her inner plane landing skills. Someone let me know if she is smiling. Needless to say, we finished a lot quicker as a team.
We are longtime NCIS watchers. (We watch some of the spinoffs but not as often.) I've noticed the commercials, over time, have changed to appeal to an older audience. I read a statistic that supports this trend. Those over 50 make up the majority who watch and nearly 30% of those over 55 say they do their best to never miss an episode. (Never miss is the catalyst for Must See.) Last Tuesday, the show opened and it had a lead in, sponsored by tag, and it was from one of those low-cost cellular companies. This company typically runs commercials on re-runs of Matlock, which we also watch, or Columbo, and yes, we like those too. I haven't tried to find out what the appeal of NCIS is to older viewers. The cast is made up of a mix of ages. Maybe it's the storyline which does take some paying attention to if you are going to stay engaged. Shows like The Voice blow away the competition in reaching that famed 18-49 demographic. And, the list could go on and on. I told the wife recently that one reason children today have a different perspective on values is based on what they watch on television. The programs they watch are for the most part on our 'never seen list', and, what we know about them, they are also on our 'never will see' list. Some of that conditioning shows up on NCIS as well. However, it is not the prevalent theme and we certainly can filter it out. The younger generation may not be able to do this as well. Don't quote me on this since I am not an expert, but, it is offered up in keeping with the focus of my daily visits, The View From Here.
The devotion I used for the older folks last Monday came from the first chapter of the Epistle or Letter from James. This is thought to be the earliest of all New Testament writings. Maybe as early as the mid-40's AD. Earlier than the earliest written Gospel. Most conservative commentators believe the writer James to have been pastor of the congregation in Jerusalem. They believe him to be the brother of our Lord. The occasion was a Holy Spirit inspired word of encouragement and instruction to those who, because of their expressed faith in Jesus as the Christ, had been run out of town, scattered, and were undergoing the difficulties that came with this calamitous event. The reason I chose this passage is that many of the older folks present that day have undergone some great changes in their lives. Some are sickly. Some feel isolated. Some are distressed. Many of them are lonely. There is the risk of becoming angry and bitter because of the circumstances. Their situation today is not how they used to be able to function. James gave his audience the truth and that is God's presence was still with them and God expected them to continue their walk of faith even through their difficult circumstances. This is a good word to them who showed up that day, it is a good word to me, and it is a good word to us all. Amen. ....More later.
We are longtime NCIS watchers. (We watch some of the spinoffs but not as often.) I've noticed the commercials, over time, have changed to appeal to an older audience. I read a statistic that supports this trend. Those over 50 make up the majority who watch and nearly 30% of those over 55 say they do their best to never miss an episode. (Never miss is the catalyst for Must See.) Last Tuesday, the show opened and it had a lead in, sponsored by tag, and it was from one of those low-cost cellular companies. This company typically runs commercials on re-runs of Matlock, which we also watch, or Columbo, and yes, we like those too. I haven't tried to find out what the appeal of NCIS is to older viewers. The cast is made up of a mix of ages. Maybe it's the storyline which does take some paying attention to if you are going to stay engaged. Shows like The Voice blow away the competition in reaching that famed 18-49 demographic. And, the list could go on and on. I told the wife recently that one reason children today have a different perspective on values is based on what they watch on television. The programs they watch are for the most part on our 'never seen list', and, what we know about them, they are also on our 'never will see' list. Some of that conditioning shows up on NCIS as well. However, it is not the prevalent theme and we certainly can filter it out. The younger generation may not be able to do this as well. Don't quote me on this since I am not an expert, but, it is offered up in keeping with the focus of my daily visits, The View From Here.
The devotion I used for the older folks last Monday came from the first chapter of the Epistle or Letter from James. This is thought to be the earliest of all New Testament writings. Maybe as early as the mid-40's AD. Earlier than the earliest written Gospel. Most conservative commentators believe the writer James to have been pastor of the congregation in Jerusalem. They believe him to be the brother of our Lord. The occasion was a Holy Spirit inspired word of encouragement and instruction to those who, because of their expressed faith in Jesus as the Christ, had been run out of town, scattered, and were undergoing the difficulties that came with this calamitous event. The reason I chose this passage is that many of the older folks present that day have undergone some great changes in their lives. Some are sickly. Some feel isolated. Some are distressed. Many of them are lonely. There is the risk of becoming angry and bitter because of the circumstances. Their situation today is not how they used to be able to function. James gave his audience the truth and that is God's presence was still with them and God expected them to continue their walk of faith even through their difficult circumstances. This is a good word to them who showed up that day, it is a good word to me, and it is a good word to us all. Amen. ....More later.
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Happy 18th to our Lexie Dee!
Today. It is Wednesday, November 14, 2018. I do thank you for showing up today where I am sharing this new episode from The Home Office. Today is a special day in our family. It is our youngest son's youngest daughter's birthday. She turns 18 today. Happiest of birthdays to our Lexie Dee. Our Lexie is an amazing young woman and God has poured into her tremendous potential. She will be attending the University of Texas after graduating from high school. She had other choices, but, for as long as I can remember she has wanted to go to UT. Our prayers are for God's protection and leadership as she continues her journey here on the planet. Our love, forever and ever, Amen, MiMi and Poppy.
As I went through the photos on my computer to prepare Lexie's birthday card I couldn't help but mark the passing of time. At 72 there are times when a bout of onset sentiment triggers inside of me like never before. (It does a number of my definition of manliness.) I don't know whether to have a good cry or call up a Hallmark Christmas movie. However, God has been good to us and we are thankful for our family. Our three boys are as different as they can be. Their children are different too. And, the children of their children are different. The one common denominator we have hoped to instill and pass down is our faith in the living God. Regardless of how much we love them all, we are aware each one individually will have to face the choice of accepting or rejecting God's provision for them through the blood shed on Calvary by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We cannot choose for them. We can do our best, with God's help, to live out our faith as a testimony of a changed life. We don't always do this as we should but it is our calling. We want our entire family to live forever in the presence of God. That is our prayer. Maybe I could adapt this little song, Tears, tears, go away. Come again some other day. No. You do not need to send me a box of tissues. But, thanks for your caring and consideration.
I was able to join the ministry team this past Monday for a time of hymn singing, prayer, and a Bible devotion time, at the special needs apartment complex for older citizens. It was my privilege to share a portion of God's Word with these folks. They so look forward to these weekly gatherings. I am becoming more familiar with the folks I see walking in the mall early each morning. Some wave when we meet. Some say "Good morning!" Some just nod or raise their cane. Others pretty much look straight ahead with nary a glance to the left or right. Many of those who walk have physical limitations. Some drag one leg. Others are on a walker. Some have oxygen. I so admire these people. I know how much Uncle Arthur, (nickname for my arthritis), can get riled up when I make a few laps. I can only imagine the struggles they have in making their way around all the nooks and crannies of the mall. I say, "God bless them, one and all!" They inspire me to walk through the pain. I'm still waiting for that precise moment when I hit the optimum target and suddenly my hips quit squawking about them being rubbed the wrong way. Sorry. I didn't mean to dwell mostly on old people stuff but since I am one, I guess it will be an ongoing part of the life I share on these pages. Enjoy and may God bless is my prayer. Amen. .....More later.
I was able to join the ministry team this past Monday for a time of hymn singing, prayer, and a Bible devotion time, at the special needs apartment complex for older citizens. It was my privilege to share a portion of God's Word with these folks. They so look forward to these weekly gatherings. I am becoming more familiar with the folks I see walking in the mall early each morning. Some wave when we meet. Some say "Good morning!" Some just nod or raise their cane. Others pretty much look straight ahead with nary a glance to the left or right. Many of those who walk have physical limitations. Some drag one leg. Others are on a walker. Some have oxygen. I so admire these people. I know how much Uncle Arthur, (nickname for my arthritis), can get riled up when I make a few laps. I can only imagine the struggles they have in making their way around all the nooks and crannies of the mall. I say, "God bless them, one and all!" They inspire me to walk through the pain. I'm still waiting for that precise moment when I hit the optimum target and suddenly my hips quit squawking about them being rubbed the wrong way. Sorry. I didn't mean to dwell mostly on old people stuff but since I am one, I guess it will be an ongoing part of the life I share on these pages. Enjoy and may God bless is my prayer. Amen. .....More later.
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
"It is inhumane, in my opinion, to force people who genuinely have a medical need for coffee to wait in line behind people who apparently view it as some kind of recreational activity." ~ Dave Barry
Hello out there. It's Tuesday, November 13, 2018, and it's also Ladies Bible Study day in our home. I will likely wait until just before they start and then I will hightail it out to the mall where I can do some walking, run a few errands, and while away the hours. I have an audio Bible APP (New King James Version) on my phone, therefore, I listen to it as I walk. It's interesting. I would have thought I could have listened to the entire Book of Genesis in one session, however, when my legs told me 'enough is enough' I was only 15 chapters in. Hello? I am up to three laps now including the corners because that is how 'the wife' likes to walk it. Don't leave any spaces out. The photo was made last Friday. I had finished my walk and I was sitting outside in an area called the patio. The temperature was in the mid-50's and there was a moderate breeze. Wonderful! I do have a major dilemma. Coffee. No one at the mall sells Louisiana Community Coffee Altura 100% Columbian. The lady at the Sonic in the food court is so sweet. She said that perhaps I would just have to live with the Green Mountain they brew. Bless her heart. They do have a bold, dark roast at that other coffee place. You know the one I am talking about. It's where all the 'in the know' millennials go. It has that funky looking logo of an ancient Norse lady with a crown on her head. Going in there is an ordeal for me, but, the bold and dark brew is akin to a downpayment on real coffee, and, it tasted reasonably passable as I sipped it out on that patio in the cool breeze. That may have been one of the times when I thought to myself, this retirement thing may not be all bad. When I go into that so-called 'coffee' place it's kind of scary. I see and hear them squishing, squirming, and sloshing all manner of concoctions into cups they sell as coffee. Pretty frightening. I am always glad when they hand me mine so I can get back on the road. Amen and Amen.
When I go to that place it reminds me that I am not up to date technologically. These younger folks pay for their stuff with all kinds of gadgets. I saw one hold up something that looked like one of those Bic cigarette lighters. Me? I used cash. I had purchased that brew before so I had the $2.65 ready. (I can make 5 cups at home for this same price.) The loose change included some nickels, dimes, and pennies. The young fellow looked down at the change I gave him, looked up at me, and then he began to sort them out to count them. He finally threw it all into the register and said, 'Close enough.' Close enough? I expected him to confirm that I had paid the right amount. Anyone can make a mistake. See what I mean? It's not like I had been playing a game of Horseshoes. Close enough? Folks from my generation are emphatic about our honesty. I suppose next time I will use my debit card and make it easy for the kids that work there. I am not throwing off on these kids. They are our children too. With all the technology surrounding them, they no longer have any use for things like counting out change. What happens when the electronic gadget doesn't work? They perfect the blank stare. Just observing. Not judging.
We did some outdoor photos last Saturday afternoon. It was in the mid to high 40's. Perfect for me. We also did some inside studio work at the same venue. They had that area warmed up with heaters. Oh my! It was warm. When we were outside many of the littles had their noses all pink from the cool. One of the dad's said that I sure looked cozy sitting in my chair. He didn't know the half of it. Let me just say it like this, I wasn't the least bit too cool. In fact, we debated whether I should wear the ice cubes vest or not. My conclusion, when in doubt, wear it! I would rather worry about being too cold than to feel the meltdown inside The Suit. The lady taking the photos had five children of her own. Working with them was wonderful. They live off the beaten path. The kids were dressed in outfits for the photos. That didn't keep them from doing what all children do when they can. Playing. Skidding on the grass. Turning over on their bicycle. We had one family with two children that had never liked Santa. We took photos anyway. The bottom line, they still do not like Santa. Those kicking and screaming photos, just so you know, will take it out of you if you are the one trying to wrestle and hold on to the kicking and screaming kid. We did have a successful outing. The lady said she would be better prepared next year now that she has some ideas about how to work with us. Because of all of the above, I left feeling once again like I had been beaten with a tire tool. I think my eldest son told me once that most people do not know what a tire tool looks like. Believe me. If you ever get beaten by one, you will not forget it. Take care. Enjoy the rest of your day. And, may God bless us all is my prayer. Amen. ....More later.
When I go to that place it reminds me that I am not up to date technologically. These younger folks pay for their stuff with all kinds of gadgets. I saw one hold up something that looked like one of those Bic cigarette lighters. Me? I used cash. I had purchased that brew before so I had the $2.65 ready. (I can make 5 cups at home for this same price.) The loose change included some nickels, dimes, and pennies. The young fellow looked down at the change I gave him, looked up at me, and then he began to sort them out to count them. He finally threw it all into the register and said, 'Close enough.' Close enough? I expected him to confirm that I had paid the right amount. Anyone can make a mistake. See what I mean? It's not like I had been playing a game of Horseshoes. Close enough? Folks from my generation are emphatic about our honesty. I suppose next time I will use my debit card and make it easy for the kids that work there. I am not throwing off on these kids. They are our children too. With all the technology surrounding them, they no longer have any use for things like counting out change. What happens when the electronic gadget doesn't work? They perfect the blank stare. Just observing. Not judging.
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Book I read to the children. |
Monday, November 12, 2018
Kermit the frog: "Here's some simple advice: Always be yourself. Don't take yourself too seriously. And beware of advice from experts, pigs, and members of Parliament."
I do hope you are up and at'em this fine Monday morning, formerly known as back-to-work Monday, on this November 12, 2018. Here's a corny but funny one to get our day started. I found it on a gospel radio facebook page, but, the joke itself was unattributed. ~ A guy is 72 years old and loves to fish. He was sitting in his boat the other day when he heard a voice say, 'Pick me up.' He looked around and couldn't see anyone. He thought he was dreaming when he heard the voice say again, 'Pick me up.' He looked in the water and there, floating on the top, was a frog. The man said, 'Are you talking to me?' The frog said, 'Yes, I'm talking to you.' Pick me up, then kiss me; and I'll turn into the most beautiful woman you have ever seen. I'll make sure that all your friends are envious and jealous, because I will be your bride!'. The man looked at the frog for a short time, reached over, picked it up carefully and placed it in his shirt pocket. The frog said, 'What, are you nuts? Didn't you hear what I said?' I said, 'Kiss me, and I will be your beautiful bride.' He opened his pocket, looked at the frog and said, 'Nah. At my age, I'd rather have a talking frog.' ~ It brought a smile to my face, and the fellow in the story was the same age as I, therefore, I thought it might do the same for some of my readers.
We have our annual Thanksgiving meal and service coming up at our local fellowship on November 19. That's on Monday evening. The other day when our pastor was talking about the service I found myself automatically thinking about what time I would need to leave work in order to get home, get changed, and, get ready to make the scheduled start time. See what I mean? Old habits. After about 20 seconds it dawned on me. I can show up with the earliest of the early if I choose to do so. One thing about me no longer being on my public day job, I am now available. A need arises, I can go. Things I hesitated to be involved in before, I can now do if I so choose. Think about it. That was a huge amount of time occupied in my weekly schedule. It was part of the hub that I rotated my time and availability around. I'm already getting invites from folks who would like for me to become a part of the ministry they are involved in. My point? I can either get involved in those I choose to participate in, or, I can find a new excuse since I no longer have the 'biggie' of my work schedule to fall back on. No matter what our age, we will always be in the 'valley of decision' when it comes to our service and response to God. That gives us all something to think about. Amen.
I on purpose did not watch the election return programming last Tuesday evening. The wife gave me some updates that popped up on her phone. I knew we would get the 'rest of the story' Wednesday morning. On my way to the services at our local fellowship Wednesday evening, a local radio station ran some excerpts from one of the national media outlets. The segment was their response when it was announced that Ted Cruz would retain his Senate seat, thus, guaranteeing a Republican majority. The people on that network sounded like they had lost a beloved member of their family. They didn't know what to say. These are all seasoned primetime news veterans. They were struggling to make sense of how Texans could do such a thing. There were long pauses because they couldn't decide what to say or who to go to. Finally, they switched to the fellow in Austin who was at the losing opponents watch party. He was almost in tears. He said he had been told that a progressive winning in Texas was like someone trying to break out of prison. With help, they could make it to the wall. But, in Texas, that wall is so tall, it's next to impossible to climb. I'm sorry. But, their open lamenting was comedic to me. We had an election. People voted their convictions. The result came in. This is our system. How sad that a so-called neutral news reporting agency would be so obviously in the tank for one candidate. Oh well, it did make for some interesting listening on my commute to Church. You felt and can identify with their pain? Good for you. Let's all remember that we are blessed to live in the country God has given to us even when things don't go our way. Amen. ....More later.
We have our annual Thanksgiving meal and service coming up at our local fellowship on November 19. That's on Monday evening. The other day when our pastor was talking about the service I found myself automatically thinking about what time I would need to leave work in order to get home, get changed, and, get ready to make the scheduled start time. See what I mean? Old habits. After about 20 seconds it dawned on me. I can show up with the earliest of the early if I choose to do so. One thing about me no longer being on my public day job, I am now available. A need arises, I can go. Things I hesitated to be involved in before, I can now do if I so choose. Think about it. That was a huge amount of time occupied in my weekly schedule. It was part of the hub that I rotated my time and availability around. I'm already getting invites from folks who would like for me to become a part of the ministry they are involved in. My point? I can either get involved in those I choose to participate in, or, I can find a new excuse since I no longer have the 'biggie' of my work schedule to fall back on. No matter what our age, we will always be in the 'valley of decision' when it comes to our service and response to God. That gives us all something to think about. Amen.
I on purpose did not watch the election return programming last Tuesday evening. The wife gave me some updates that popped up on her phone. I knew we would get the 'rest of the story' Wednesday morning. On my way to the services at our local fellowship Wednesday evening, a local radio station ran some excerpts from one of the national media outlets. The segment was their response when it was announced that Ted Cruz would retain his Senate seat, thus, guaranteeing a Republican majority. The people on that network sounded like they had lost a beloved member of their family. They didn't know what to say. These are all seasoned primetime news veterans. They were struggling to make sense of how Texans could do such a thing. There were long pauses because they couldn't decide what to say or who to go to. Finally, they switched to the fellow in Austin who was at the losing opponents watch party. He was almost in tears. He said he had been told that a progressive winning in Texas was like someone trying to break out of prison. With help, they could make it to the wall. But, in Texas, that wall is so tall, it's next to impossible to climb. I'm sorry. But, their open lamenting was comedic to me. We had an election. People voted their convictions. The result came in. This is our system. How sad that a so-called neutral news reporting agency would be so obviously in the tank for one candidate. Oh well, it did make for some interesting listening on my commute to Church. You felt and can identify with their pain? Good for you. Let's all remember that we are blessed to live in the country God has given to us even when things don't go our way. Amen. ....More later.
Friday, November 9, 2018
"Let us whenever we shall have the opportunity of using the right of voting, use it as in the sight of Almighty God, knowing that for everything we shall be brought into account, and for that amongst the rest, seeing that we are entrusted with it." ~ Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Preacher of the Gospel, (1834-1892)
Hello folks and welcome to the second Friday of me celebrating my retirement, this one falling on November 9, 2018. I voted last Tuesday. I voted my conscience. Sort of. I did vote for the lesser of evils. I did not necessarily support the people I voted for. Most of them, if not all, are a part of the problem we have in our country. They may represent a particular party or stated creed, however, most of them, if not all, are entrenched in the world of incumbent mediocrity. They, most of them, if not all, do share some of the responsibility for how we have arrived where in response people are clamoring for a socialistic and/or a communistic type of government. How? If they are on the take, if they are beholden to their benefactors, to the extent that representation of the ordinary American citizen has taken a back seat, well, that's one of the reasons we have such a calamitous environment. The rest lies with folks like me. The parents. The grandparents. I'm not going to get into all of that, but, I have at times in the past been proud to cast my vote for those I voted for. That has been a while ago. I am against any form of government that will change the freedoms and liberty this nation has stood for since its founding. I am against. I vote against any movement towards seeing something like this happen. Against. Voting against instead of voting for is not the best, but, it will have to do for now. That's my take and me, myself, and I approved this message.
For Flashback Friday, eleven years ago I wrote a piece in my blog about things that once held my attention and I spent a lot of my time pursuing them. They were not bad things. Just things. Over time, they didn't change but I did. Here is how I concluded that story on that day, (November 8, 2007). ~ I guess pretty soon we will just sit and watch each other and play games with the 'clapper' (if we had one) taking turns playing turn the light on and off. No, we wouldn’t do that because it would lessen the life of the light bulbs and might cause other troubles. That wisdom thing sure can take the fun out of stuff! Maybe I have finally fulfilled the joke from so many years ago. It went like this: “When I was young it was wine, women, and song. Now it’s Metrecal, same old gal, and sing along with Mitch”. Okay, for you younger folks, Metrecal was one of the original food supplement diet drinks and the Mitch Miller television program was one where people could sing along and it featured many of the all-time old standards. For you, it would be like inviting someone over to your house to listen to elevator music. With all of those special interests no longer on my radar screen, I wonder why I am fully occupied and busy as a bee for eighteen hours a day? Maybe soon I will try to figure this out. ~ That was 11 years ago, fast forward to today where I would suppose this change in attitude about things and stuff has only gotten more so as the years have gone by. Like I say, it's not because they were 'bad' things, it's just that in the grand scheme of things, like life and eternity, they don't, as they used to say back home, "amount to a hill of beans."
Do I ever think about my duties and responsibilities at my last job? Often. Without even thinking. Before I left, one of the fellows in the office reminded me that I could stop using the 'we' since I was leaving and it would now be 'them'. And, it does seem strange to not be checking emails, following-up on customer requests, taking phone calls, walking through the shop, and the other daily activities that filled up my days. I am told by many who have been where I am now that I will eventually really miss that world. They should know, but, for me, I'm not so sure. I see it more like I changed jobs rather than l left the working world. On Wednesday, October 31, 2018, I left my workplace on good terms. On Thursday, November 1, 2018, I started my new job which is still in the process of being fully defined. I remember when I worked for the federal government back in the 1960's. They, of course, had a detailed job description for every job. Page after page of detailed gobbly gook. At the very bottom, each official job description had this statement: Other Duties as Assigned. You will not find it hard to believe that much of what I did fell into that catch-all. That is where I find myself today. Other duties as assigned. I do hope you enjoyed your week. Don't forget that Sunday will be a day where God's people meet to honor Him and build each other up in the faith. Until next time, may God continue to bless is my prayer. Amen. ....More later.
For Flashback Friday, eleven years ago I wrote a piece in my blog about things that once held my attention and I spent a lot of my time pursuing them. They were not bad things. Just things. Over time, they didn't change but I did. Here is how I concluded that story on that day, (November 8, 2007). ~ I guess pretty soon we will just sit and watch each other and play games with the 'clapper' (if we had one) taking turns playing turn the light on and off. No, we wouldn’t do that because it would lessen the life of the light bulbs and might cause other troubles. That wisdom thing sure can take the fun out of stuff! Maybe I have finally fulfilled the joke from so many years ago. It went like this: “When I was young it was wine, women, and song. Now it’s Metrecal, same old gal, and sing along with Mitch”. Okay, for you younger folks, Metrecal was one of the original food supplement diet drinks and the Mitch Miller television program was one where people could sing along and it featured many of the all-time old standards. For you, it would be like inviting someone over to your house to listen to elevator music. With all of those special interests no longer on my radar screen, I wonder why I am fully occupied and busy as a bee for eighteen hours a day? Maybe soon I will try to figure this out. ~ That was 11 years ago, fast forward to today where I would suppose this change in attitude about things and stuff has only gotten more so as the years have gone by. Like I say, it's not because they were 'bad' things, it's just that in the grand scheme of things, like life and eternity, they don't, as they used to say back home, "amount to a hill of beans."
Do I ever think about my duties and responsibilities at my last job? Often. Without even thinking. Before I left, one of the fellows in the office reminded me that I could stop using the 'we' since I was leaving and it would now be 'them'. And, it does seem strange to not be checking emails, following-up on customer requests, taking phone calls, walking through the shop, and the other daily activities that filled up my days. I am told by many who have been where I am now that I will eventually really miss that world. They should know, but, for me, I'm not so sure. I see it more like I changed jobs rather than l left the working world. On Wednesday, October 31, 2018, I left my workplace on good terms. On Thursday, November 1, 2018, I started my new job which is still in the process of being fully defined. I remember when I worked for the federal government back in the 1960's. They, of course, had a detailed job description for every job. Page after page of detailed gobbly gook. At the very bottom, each official job description had this statement: Other Duties as Assigned. You will not find it hard to believe that much of what I did fell into that catch-all. That is where I find myself today. Other duties as assigned. I do hope you enjoyed your week. Don't forget that Sunday will be a day where God's people meet to honor Him and build each other up in the faith. Until next time, may God continue to bless is my prayer. Amen. ....More later.
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