I read the arrest report of a fellow who choked down his fiancee. That wasn't very nice. Her crime? It was that recent Sunday where the Indianapolis 500 Indy Car race was on along with the NASCAR Coca Cola 600 later that same day. At the end of the day, and after a long day of some serious imbibing of alcoholic beverages, they became argumentative and she made the comment that she thought the Indy car racing was better and more exciting. That was enough to elicit his criminal behavior. I suppose she at least found out what was really important to him before they married. It's no joking matter. Folks take their particular sports interests way too seriously. It can be dangerous to be at some competitive events to cheer for your team. The NASCAR idiot fellow looked the stereotype, therefore, the news media played it up for all it's worth. He may have even had missing teeth but he had his mouth closed so it wasn't clear. What about all the fights in sports bars? What about the brawling between parents at a little league game? What about torching cars and destroying property in college towns after a great victory? It's shameful. Sad and shameful.
Thanks to everyone who inquired about our safety and well being during these past couple of weeks filled with stormy weather. It's good to know that folks care. I would do a recap of my daily visits this week but that would no doubt be an exercise in futility as well as like a ride in one of those bumper cars at the fair. I can give you one unifying theme that has been fundamental to all of my blogs. It is the need I have, you have, that we all have to seek God in all our ways every minute of every day. It's like the old preacher man saying that we all are fellow strugglers in this life. I know it's popular to trumpet victory and to say we are victors but at the same time I think it is also healthy to acknowledge that we do constantly wrestle with and do battle in dealing with the vicissitudes of life, or at least I do. The good news? Our Savior has told us that He has overcome all on our behalf. (Gospel of John, Chapter 16, Verse 33) What a great thought to finish off our week. Have a great Saturday and Lord's Day Sunday and I will do my best, with God's help of course, to see you next time. Amen. .....More later.