Yes, this must be the place, and we find ourselves here on
Wednesday, February 20, 2013. As I travel here and there I suppose I am more and more drawn to observing the behavior of those who wear the white hair as a badge of their perseverance. I have seen this more than once but it doesn't get better with age. The other evening I noticed a couple advanced in years attempting to join the freeway in their not so new RV, pulling a car behind it. Not pretty. In fact, it was downright scary. For them. And, for anybody else around them. Their little heads were bobbing like a cork in the fish pond. Why they would ever try to do this during rush hour is a mystery to me. They obviously are not accustomed to the road rage world we live in. My heart always goes out to folks like them and while they did finally get onto the roadway it was not without a lot of accompaniment, .....horns, screeching brakes, and some very animated hand signals thrown in for good measure. Not a pretty sight. Coming down a country road I also met a fellow on what looked like his brand new three wheel, trike motorcycle. Those bikes start around $30,000. He was at least seventy five and had his black leather boots, pants, jacket, and a shiny black helmet to match. They all looked brand new and he looked really cool, except for one thing. I would highly suggest that he not travel with his mouth open. That's not only a bad look for him but he could be catching more than he bargained for. I'm not making fun of these folks because I am fast becoming my own example, and perhaps that's why I find
us so amusing.

I think most of us know it's not how many years we get but what we do with them that really counts. Charles Dickens, one of the greatest writers in history, lived for only 58 years but he had this to say about growing older: "Father Time is not always a hard parent, and, though he tarries for none of his children, often lays his hand lightly upon those who have used him well; making them old men and women inexorably enough, but leaving their hearts and spirits young and in full vigour. With such people the grey head is but the impression of the old fellow's hand in giving them his blessing, and every wrinkle but a notch in the quiet calendar of a well-spent life." (Wow! That's what I call beautiful prose folks, beautiful indeed!) Brother Milton and I were talking about things and people that have influenced our lives. I mentioned my Grandfather McMillan. Milton remembered him, not from knowing him personally, but from his reputation and the many times we have talked. My Paw Paw, as we called him, lived out every day who he was. No
ifs ands or
buts about it, he was a simple man, he wore his faith in God on his sleeve, and he was one, who, in his on way, enjoyed his sojourn here. His example is one that I think of often and I know that I have a ways to go to emulate his testimony, but, I'm still in there trying, and, after all is said and done, regardless of our age, we all need to be trying, every single day.

Last Sunday morning our Pastor brought a sermon on the return of our Lord and Savior. His emphasis was on what that should mean to those of us who are saved and awaiting His return. It was a sobering reminder that how we live and what we do matters. It makes a difference in our own life and it impacts others also. I think about the lasting testimony of so many in my life that did leave something behind. They left their example and I'm still thanking God for them and their influence on my life all these years after they have gone on to their reward. I desire to leave something behind to be remembered by my children, grandchildren, and others as they make their way in life. That will not happen by accident. It requires me to act. That's right. I can hear my Granny Mac's voice, "Actions speak louder than words son." And they do. Mine does. Yours does. Today's episode gives us all something to think about, and in my case, much to work on. May God bless us all as we do seek to honor Him with the life He has given to us.
Amen. .....More later.