Hello blog readers wherever you happen to be. I send you greetings from here at the ole blogger ranch to your place, which, based on comments, could be anywhere on the globe. It is Wednesday, March 26, 2025, and I do hope today's visit finds you and yours doing well. That global reach is quite amazing when I think about where we have come from. When I started out, the typewriter was the most prevalent form of written communication. Mainframe computing to support business operations was pretty much in its infancy. When I moved to Houston I joined a company that had a raised floor with a lot of computer equipment. Today, most of us have more computing power in our cell phone than we had combined on that raised floor. Technology. It can be, and has been, a blessing, and, as we have observed, it can be a curse. In the field of medicine it has led to numerous breakthroughs. It has simplified many tasks that were previously difficult and time consuming. On the other hand, we know, firsthand, how the power of the computer can distort reality as so many kids today are addicted to games or taken advantage of through the means of social media. It has been said that technology itself is neither good nor bad, it's how it is used that determines its outcome. I believe that. I still know quite a few people who have decided to be off the grid for themselves and their families. They do not want the inherent risks associated with embracing the so called brave new world. With the advent of Artificial Intelligence, AI, we are only beginning to see what the future might look like. There's some pretty scary scenarios being talked about as AI begins to take over many human functions. Writing books, songs, making decisions, and, a host of other areas may see amazing change going forward. Where will it end up? Good question. I am reminded of the famous saying from the past: The phrase "We have met the enemy, and he is us," is a paraphrase of Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry's famous message, "We have met the enemy, and they are ours," sent after the battle of Lake Erie in the War of 1812. This "We have met the enemy, and he is us," paraphrase was further popularized by the cartoonist Walt Kelly as spoken by the animal character, Pogo, 1970.
In the many blogs I have written over the years it's obvious that I write quite often about things I know very little about. I consider myself to be an 'observer at large'. You see things. I see things. Often, I write about them. There was a time when people watching at Walmart was a fairly new thing. Now it's a national craze through social media, videos, posted photos, and other types of exposure. Many have jumped into the fray to get clicks on their page. They monetize their postings. I chose not to go down that path back in 2007 when I wrote my first blog. No advertising. No sponsors. Just me, myself, and I, throwing stuff onto the electronic page. I shared yesterday about some of the foibles we encounter around here, each and every day. After all is said and done, if you can't use yourself as an object of humor, you likely are going to live a fairly sad existence. There's not enough Walmart crazies to fill that void. Sadly, I've known a few folks in my time here on the planet who couldn't seem to find anything to smile about, much less to cause them to laugh. I have always been called a serious minded person. (You would have to walk a mile in my shoes to know the reasons behind that. And, remember, if you do walk a mile in my shoes you will be a mile away and you will have my shoes as a bonus.) At the same time, I do know the good that comes from a hearty guffaw. Jesus during His earthly ministry used funny examples to get his message across. What about the time he talked about a fellow trying to get a tiny splinter out of his neighbor's eye when he had a boulder sticking out of his own eye? (Luke 6:41-46) See what I mean? My point? Go ahead. Laugh out loud! Can't find something to laugh about? Call up Nate Bargatze, a stand up comedian, on YouTube, and watch some of his routines. Very clean. Very funny. Okay. I will end today's session with this: It's clear I had very little to say but it didn't keep me from saying it. And, as always, seek God first and allow Him to fill in your blanks. Amen.