Wednesday, March 26, 2025

"Technology is anything that wasn’t around when you were born." ~ Alan Kay (Computer Scientist)

Hello blog readers wherever you happen to be. I send you greetings from here at the ole blogger ranch to your place, which, based on comments, could be anywhere on the globe. It is Wednesday, March 26, 2025, and I do hope today's visit finds you and yours doing well. That global reach is quite amazing when I think about where we have come from. When I started out, the typewriter was the most prevalent form of written communication. Mainframe computing to support business operations was pretty much in its infancy. When I moved to Houston I joined a company that had a raised floor with a lot of computer equipment. Today, most of us have more computing power in our cell phone than we had combined on that raised floor. Technology. It can be, and has been, a blessing, and, as we have observed, it can be a curse. In the field of medicine it has led to numerous breakthroughs. It has simplified many tasks that were previously difficult and time consuming. On the other hand, we know, firsthand, how the power of the computer can distort reality as so many kids today are addicted to games or taken advantage of through the means of social media. It has been said that technology itself is neither good nor bad, it's how it is used that determines its outcome. I believe that. I still know quite a few people who have decided to be off the grid for themselves and their families. They do not want the inherent risks associated with embracing the so called brave new world. With the advent of Artificial Intelligence, AI, we are only beginning to see what the future might look like. There's some pretty scary scenarios being talked about as AI begins to take over many human functions. Writing books, songs, making decisions, and, a host of other areas may see amazing change going forward. Where will it end up? Good question. I am reminded of the famous saying from the past: The phrase "We have met the enemy, and he is us," is a paraphrase of Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry's famous message, "We have met the enemy, and they are ours," sent after the battle of Lake Erie in the War of 1812. This "We have met the enemy, and he is us," paraphrase was further popularized by the cartoonist Walt Kelly as spoken by the animal character, Pogo, 1970. 

In the many blogs I have written over the years it's obvious that I write quite often about things I know very little about. I consider myself to be an 'observer at large'. You see things. I see things. Often, I write about them. There was a time when people watching at Walmart was a fairly new thing. Now it's a national craze through social media, videos, posted photos, and other types of exposure. Many have jumped into the fray to get clicks on their page. They monetize their postings. I chose not to go down that path back in 2007 when I wrote my first blog. No advertising. No sponsors. Just me, myself, and I, throwing stuff onto the electronic page. I shared yesterday about some of the foibles we encounter around here, each and every day. After all is said and done, if you can't use yourself as an object of humor, you likely are going to live a fairly sad existence. There's not enough Walmart crazies to fill that void. Sadly, I've known a few folks in my time here on the planet who couldn't seem to find anything to smile about, much less to cause them to laugh. I have always been called a serious minded person. (You would have to walk a mile in my shoes to know the reasons behind that. And, remember, if you do walk a mile in my shoes you will be a mile away and you will have my shoes as a bonus.) At the same time, I do know the good that comes from a hearty guffaw. Jesus during His earthly ministry used funny examples to get his message across. What about the time he talked about a fellow trying to get a tiny splinter out of his neighbor's eye when he had a boulder sticking out of his own eye? (Luke 6:41-46)  See what I mean? My point? Go ahead. Laugh out loud! Can't find something to laugh about? Call up Nate Bargatze, a stand up comedian, on YouTube, and watch some of his routines. Very clean. Very funny. Okay. I will end today's session with this: It's clear I had very little to say but it didn't keep me from saying it. And, as always, seek God first and allow Him to fill in your blanks. Amen

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

"The baby boomers are getting older, and will stay older for longer. And they will run right into the dementia firing range. How will a society cope? Especially a society that can't so readily rely on those stable family relationships that traditionally provided the backbone of care?" ~ Terry Pratchett, English Author, (1948-2015)

Good morning and welcome to today's episode here on this Tuesday, March 25, 2025.  I well remember when being a Baby Boomer was a really big deal. Not so much anymore. I was born in 1946. That's makes me a charter member of the Boomer Club. You don't need a lesson on the birds and the bees to see the impact as soldiers returned to the states from the war oversees. This makes it easy to understand why births shot up in 1946 with some 3,470,000 born in the USA (20% increase). There's a tremendous amount of empirical data, reports, books, and analyses devoted to the impact of the Baby Boomer generation (years 1946-1964). A huge number of births. A huge increase in demands of all kinds. A huge amount of success. But, alas, today those 1.9 million remaining from the 3.5 million born in 1946 are thought of as a potential drain on the economic well being of our nation. Why? The boomers either have or will be retiring at a record pace. Boomers are living longer. Medical costs are through the roof to help them to live longer. Some have even said we boomers do not know when to get off the stage. Life unfolded the way God allowed it to unfold and I want you to know how I see it, whether I have many more years or soon and very soon I could be going home: 1 Samuel 2:6 "The LORD brings death and makes alive; he brings down to the grave and raises up". Don't ask me to explain how God's sovereign will works because it is within His own purview. Nonetheless, my faith is in Him because He can be trusted. Amen

A funny thing happened to me on my way to getting to the age I now enjoy. Do funny things happen to you? I will tell you without hesitation, we have plenty of funny going on in and around where I live. I count it a blessing to still be able to laugh at the quirks and quibbles that make up each day. I chuckle when the wife says she needs to run to the store. Why? Neither her nor me have had our running shoes on of late. I haven't quite made it to the point where I try to straighten out in the wrinkles in my socks only to find out I'm not wearing any socks. I did however put my shoes on one day and couldn't figure out why they had suddenly become so tight. Maybe my feet are swollen I thought. I went on my way but later I thought I had better check it out only to find the previous pair of socks stuck down in the toe. Laugh. Might as well. I don't even want to think about how many trips we make to the car before we finally have everything we need to leave. Silly stuff. Like that. Yeah, I've passed that point of joking around about my age. I now tend to embrace it, knowing that each day is a gift. The other day I was getting ready for Church but I forgot I had put some cheese toast in the little counter oven. Talk about burnt. I can remember a time when I would have probably screamed, snarled, kicked, and, something like that would have ruined the rest of my day. Not anymore! I first inspected the toast carefully to see if any of it could be salvaged. (That's what old people do.) But, it was burned to a crisp so into the trash it went and I put two more pieces into the oven. My response? I couldn't help but laugh. I thought how multi-tasking might not be the best course of action for me. Live and learn and laugh. That's today's prescription for us all: Live, Learn, and Laugh. You heard it from a legitimate first year Baby Boomer, therefore, it must be something worth hearing. Right? I thought so too. Enjoy your day as best you can and try not to take it all so seriously. God's still on His throne and we still belong to Him! In Jesus Name, Amen.


I do recognize that I often misappropriate the King's English, mess up the grammar, and even get the facts transferred to the electronic page with an error here and there. If that offends, I apologize. I often see it after the fact and while it does bother me I've chosen to view it like this: "At the end of the day, it is what it is." I quickly add that in my rendering it does not depend on what the definition of 'is' is. (For any of my younger readers: PS is the abbreviation of “postscript” and comes from the Latin phrase post scriptum, meaning “written after.” A PS is an additional thought, comment, or piece of information at the end of a message after your signature. Use a PS to include further details, capture an afterthought, add a personal note, emphasize a point, give a reminder, or provide a call to action. PS is widely used in letters and electronic communication like emails, text messages, instant messages, and social media. Although the punctuation of PS varies, it should always be capitalized. Make sure to punctuate it consistently in all your correspondence.)

Monday, March 24, 2025

“How did it get so late so soon?” ― Dr. Seuss

Welcome back. Today is Monday, March 24, 2025, and, I bid each one a hearty hello from my workstation here to wherever you happen to be. I completed last week by attending a memorial service for a dear brother in Christ. He was a wonderful God honoring man and his home going service was filled with the joy of knowing he has transitioned as "absent from the body, present with the Lord". (2 Corinthians 5:8) Attending these types of services is one of the recurring things us older folks do. Without becoming morbid I can't help but think we find ourselves window shopping for the type of service we would want done for ourselves. It certainly reminds me each time of my own mortality and like it or not, how that each day brings me closer to this event that will culminate my own sojourn here on the planet. The wife and I used to sing together some. One of the songs we sang has to do with how time has made a change. That song didn't mean as much 40 years ago as it does today. Duh! Here are the lyrics of that song:


                  (by Harkins Frye)

Time has made a change since my childhood days;
Many of my friends have gone away.
Some I never more in this life will see.
Time has made a change in me.

    Time has made a change
      in the old home place;
    Time has made a change
      in each smiling face.
    And I know my friends
      can plainly see
    Time has made a change in me.

In my childhood days, I was well and strong;
I could climb the hillside all day long.
I am not today what I used to be.
Time has made a change in me.

    Time has made a change
      in the old home place;
    Time has made a change
      in each smiling face.
    And I know my friends
      can plainly see
    Time has made a change in me.

When I reach my home in that land somewhere,
With my friends who wait to meet me over there,    
Free from pain and care I'll forever be.        
Time has made a change in me.


     Time has made a change
      in the old home place;
    Time has made a change
      in each smiling face.
    And I know my friends
      can plainly see
    Time has made a change in me.


Speaking of the wife, she came home yesterday after having been gone ten days over in Louisiana. She and her sister were there primarily to help see after their brother who is headed towards is 90th birthday this upcoming August. He needs caregiver support and they go to give his son a break from time to time. Dorothy will be 80 this upcoming August and the wife, Marilyn, will be 78 this April, but, they are still often referred to as the 'girls'. The photo was taken over there yesterday morning as they were leaving to attend services at Good Hope Baptist Church where Dorothy's son Michael pastors. Those 'girls' in that photo reflect a whopping amount of caring, sacrifice, and, serving the Lord and others. I tell people all the time how they are twins born 18 months apart. Their dad, Bro. W. L. Rawles, was an old-time preacher man and he along with their mom who was one of the most God loving women I've known, well, the girls, they were raised right. All of their family, Cleon, Milton, Dorothy, and, Marilyn grew up knowing what it meant to serve. At age 16 I came onto the scene. That was a while back but I am clear on how this family which became my family made a huge difference in my life. Yep. Time has made a change, but, so has others, too numerous to count, in helping me to become who I am today. And, lest anyone should wonder, I can totally grasp the Apostle Paul's meaning when he said in the letter to the Philippians, Chapter 3, Verse 12,  "Not that already I have obtained it or already have been perfected, but I am pursuing, if also I may lay hold of that for which also I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus." (from the Berean Literal Bible) I do thank God that He is still working on me. How about you? 


But, I am glad she is home. I do hope you get out there and have yourself one God-blessed day. Do it in Jesus Name. Amen.

Friday, March 21, 2025

"The older I get, the better I was." - Anonymous.

Greetings folks. Today is Friday, March 21, 2025. I do hope today's visit finds each one doing. That's right. Doing. The best we know how. Right?  For those in the audience who can be called seasoned adults like myself or perhaps you prefer one of the following: Senior citizen, retired person, pensioner, old-age pensioner (OAP), old person, elderly person, elder, Methuselah, patriarch, senior, retiree, golden-ager, super-annuitant, old-timer, oldie, ancient. Those are the positive ones. Here are a few of the less than respectful ways to call us out: Old-fogey, wrinkly, senile, or past-it. Oh well, I are one, so I just wanted to share some old person perspectives this morning. One of my most persistent frustrations involves the labeling of almost anything as being Easy Open. As my Uncle Claude would have said it, "Easy open my foot, foot fire, foot fire!" The photo above shows one example. I've included my prescription for dealing with so called easy open packaging: The Cleaver! I hear you. What about cutting yourself with the cleaver? At least I know exactly where the emergency room is because had I continued to try and solve the puzzle on that package, well, I would not have needed stitches, I would have needed a straight jacket. I saw an old clip of Red Skelton, one of the comedic giants from the past, (1913-1937) and commenting on his 60 years doing comedy, he said this, "I wake up every morning and if I don't smell candles burning or the fragrance of flowers surrounding me, I get up!" 

Yes. I know opening packaging has to do with dexterity and grip. One of the things I haven't lost is my ability to laugh. Lost yet. I pray that I will not even as I await my transition to my arrival home. (Heaven) I was determined to get that package open without the cleaver, but, after a minute of messing with it, well, let's just say, the cleaver won. A wholesome belly laugh will do anyone some good. Here's the famous Bible quotation from Proverbs Chapter 17, Verse 22: "A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones". There's a lot of speculation about how to apply this verse, but, the bottom line does involve joy and the expression of that joy with laughter. Here are a few thoughts I found on Facebook that might just bring a smile. 
~ I'm not saying I'm getting old, I'm just saying that my dinner time and bed time are now getting dangerously close to each other.
~ I don't mind getting older but my body is kinda having a hissy fit about it.
~ I hate to admit it but I sometimes get some road rage just walking behind someone in the grocery store.
~ I just saw two older folks jogging down the street. It motivated me. I got up and shut the blinds.
~ The older I get it's the more I understand why Noah only allowed animals on the boat.
~ Here's a tip for you. Keep a few get well cards on your mantle. That way people who visit will understand why you haven't been able to clean.
~ Conventional wisdom tells us to listen to our body. Why is it mine is always telling me I'm old and I need some candy?
~ I'm wearing pink today to honor all those who forgot to separate the reds from the whites in the laundry.
~ The only air conditioning I had growing up was an open window and a prayer for wind.
~ I threw away some of those energy bars and I just noticed the raccoons are in the backyard bench pressing the neighbors trash cans.
~ I heard a fellow say he ordered a book off the internet that would tell him how to scam people. That was three months ago and he is still waiting.
~ I like to tell people to have a rest of the day as pleasant as they are, and, then I watch them trying to figure out whether or not it was a compliment.

Maybe, just maybe, one of those brought an upturn at the corners of your mouth. If not, well, so be it. Here's one I will leave with you. As of this day I am fully persuaded of my truth because I know how I made it, I made it by grace, God's amazing grace! Have a great rest of this day, (make it as pleasant as you are), a great Saturday, and then get ready for a brand new week by showing up at the assembling of the saints at the designated meeting place, (Church), where one can hear from God and enjoy the much needed fellowship with others. May God bless each one! Amen.

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Throwback Thursday from four years ago: "I know how I made it, I made it by Grace .... God's Amazing Grace!" ~ Amen.

Today is Thursday, March 20, 2025. Welcome. The following blog for Throwback Thursday garnered a lot of views. I thought I would share it again for many who may have missed it. It was the occasion of my 75th year here on the planet. Yes. I changed the blog to include photos of our Sir Bentley since he was so very popular and we were pleased to share him with our blog audience as well as Facebook.  Enjoy this visit to one of my most popular blogs:


"I know how I made it, I made it by Grace .... God's Amazing Grace!" ~ Amen.


Good morning and welcome. It is Tuesday, August 17, 2021. Today, speaking on behalf of me, myself, and I, represented on this three score, ten, plus five years, plus one day, (not including the nearly 9 months I spent in my mother's womb), I announce how truly blessed I have been the past several days where my family and friends helped me celebrate my 75th year of sojourn here on the planet. Last Saturday, our eldest son and his wife hosted a barbecue cookout for some 24 of us to observe this milestone. My wife outdid herself in the planning, preparation, and execution to make this day special for me. The food was excellent. The fellowship even more so. We were joined by the wife's sister and her husband, her son and his wife from Fort Worth, our three boys, their kids, (our grandchildren), and five of our great grands. As you know by now, I love to see my life through many of the songs we sing. There is a Southern Gospel tune that sums up my estimation very well: "I know how I made it, I made it by Grace .... God's Amazing Grace!" Amen.

In addition to all the FB greetings, cards, texts, calls, and gifts, yesterday, the Birthday program continued since it was the actual date of my birth. I started the day by taking our middle son Jimmy to the mental health facility for his treatment. I sat out in the parking lot for 2-1/2 hours. I observed a lot. One thing stuck in my mind. An older lady drove up and parked near to me. She got out of the car and spoke to the passenger in a way that I thought must be a small child. It wasn't. It was her husband who couldn't have been much older than me. She took him by the hand and led him into the facility. Tears filled my eyes. Sure, but for the grace of God, that could be me, but more than that I felt a need to pray for that couple and for the dozens of other folks showing up for therapy sessions or treatments. What a way to humble someone on their birthday! The wife stepped up again and prepared a birthday supper feast. Since her sister's husband also had a birthday last week, we celebrated together. Sorry. But the menu was too good not to share. Everything homemade, just saying. We had field peas, fried okra, breaded, fried pork chops, rice and gravy, baked corn on the cobb, potato salad, sliced tomatoes, and melt in your mouth cornbread along with iced tea and some of my sister-in-law's fresh homemade pepper sauce. What a meal! What a blessing! What a way to celebrate our birthdays! Thanks to my wife for her many hours of work.

Okay. I can't leave without mentioning Mr. Bentley. He participated in the eating as well. Mostly, it was just small pieces of the fried pork chops, but, he enjoyed my birthday too. I posted the photo above on the Shi Tzu Facebook page where Mr. Bentley is very popular. I used this caption: "Blessed to celebrate my 75th year today here on the planet. Blessed to be with the wife of my youth for soon to be 57 years, our three sons and their families, 11 grandchildren and 7 great-grandchildren, AND our MR. BENTLEY!" Bentley has a huge following and as of this morning, that posting had 869 likes, 224 comments, and 9 shares. Most of the commenters wished me a happy birthday but also had to say how much they love our pup. Here is a short example: "Happy birthday to you, and beautiful Mr. Bentley and all your family. you are Blessed." Many were very long and went on and on. He is a character and, yes, I am thankful for him being here with us.

Enough gloating, but, hopefully in a thankful manner because I truly believe with all of my heart it is only by the grace of Almighty God! Amen.    Until next time......

That was the throwback. Okay. That was then and as many of you know Mr. Bentley is no longer with us, having passed away in March of 2024. But we are blessed to have Lil Miss Biscuit who is now right dab in the middle of everything. God is still good and I do very much have the same testimony. "I know how I made it, I made it by Grace .... God's Amazing Grace!" Amen

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

“Wednesday is a day to help others celebrate life. You and only you are accountable for what you extend and give to others. One smile not only increases your value but it gives joy to each person you meet.” — Byron Pulsifer

Good Wednesday morning to you on this March 19, 2025. I do understand the hump day concept, but, for someone who worked in the marketplace for over 50 years, well, the middle of the week celebration really didn't do that much for me. I do like today's title quote because it does emphasize the celebration of life and how we can be of a positive impact as we interact with others. This, by the way, reflects God's plan for His own in that we would honor Him and love and care for others. Wednesday, for me and my house, has always been a time when we would gather at the local assembly meeting place. (Called out local assembly: The Greek word "ekklesia" (ἐκκλησία), often translated as "church" in English, originally referred to an assembly or gathering of citizens in ancient Greek-city-states, particularly in Athens. Sourced from the Artificial Intelligence AI filter on Google.) These Church meetings on Wednesday are often referred to as mid-week services. Many Churches have forgone these meetings but here's my simple minded way of looking at it: Do we as the people of God need more or less teaching from His Word? At one time the local Church was the center of people's lives. Today it is most often looked at as an option among the many others vying for our time. I believe in the local Church. I believe in it more than I do in sharing organizations, conventions, or associations. That's right. If we are to be called a New Testament Church then we should follow the pattern that defines a local Church as given in the Scriptures, especially in those inspired texts from the Apostle Paul. I watched a TV program early this morning talking about 'the Church' today and guessing at what tables our Lord Jesus would be turning over were He to show up and evaluate our idea of what Church should be. That's a sobering thought my friend. I will let us all think about it. Including me. That's right. Never forget, it's me, it's me, it's me oh Lord, standing in the need of prayer. 


Bear with me folks. I climbed the stairs fifteen minutes ago with no idea what today's episode would be about. That first paragraph came from a thought. Maybe it was that TV program. With my thinking machine, now working at a level less than it did in the past, who knows? I had a followup appointment with the pulmonologist yesterday afternoon. I told him I used to be able to have an allergy issue, take some over the counter stuff and it would be gone in a hurry. Now, that is no longer the case. It hangs on, and on, and on. He laughed. I hate it when the doctor laughs. He pretty much said my body no longer responds exactly like it used to. Duh. He played the age card. Again. As I head towards that road sign that says 80, I am hearing that more often these days. He did what all good doctors do. He wrote me some additional prescriptions. Yay! None of us look forward to the day when everything hurts and what doesn't hurt no longer works. Oh, I read the same memes you do. Inside every older person is a younger person wondering what in the world happened. I read one that said what messes with our heads is the picture we have of how it is supposed to be. Let me jump in here and make it clear that I'm just kidding around. I am extraordinarily grateful to God for the privilege of being the age I am. It's true. Getting old is not for sissies, but, I, for one, am amazed when I consider the mercy and grace of Almighty God who sent His one and only Son, the Lord Jesus, to save someone as unworthy as me. And, having accepted His provision given through His death, burial, and resurrection, I have forgiveness, eternal life, and 24x7 I have His Spirit living in me. Yep, I may be 78 years, 6 months plus the 9 that mom carried me, but, I have more to be thankful for today than I did yesterday. What say you? Have a good one now, you hear? May God add His blessings. Amen.

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

"Blessed is the man, who having nothing to say, abstains from giving wordy evidence of the fact." ~ George Eliot (famous writer whose name was actually Mary Ann Evans, (1819-1890)

I am here. Again. Yep. Same station, and I do bid one and all a hearty hello and welcome from my tiny little gnat of a spot on the world wide web or blogosphere, as I like to call it. It is Tuesday, March 18, 2025, and I am at it. I started to say off and running but that would have required some additional explanation, therefore, I decided to go in a different direction. Going in different directions is a trait of mine, and, I do it all at the same time. Just so you know. But, I will just do the best I can because YOLO, (you only live once), and I don't expect to ever be called the GOAT, (greatest of all time), so, I will settle for occasionally have someone LOL, (laugh out loud),  hoping they don't repond in this way, TLDR, (too long didn't read). That last one about my wordiness comes up from time to time. Those abbreviations I used are actually the ones deemed acceptable on social media platforms today. There are dozens of them in use and some are what were once thought to be crude. Not any more. The 1964 song title written by Bob Dylan sums this up, "The Times They Are a-Changin'" And, so they are. It's easy to say, especially at my age, how that most of the change is bad. However, it is a mixed bag. I am still here writing my inconsequential blog today and had nothing at all changed in the field of medicine I would have likely gone on to my reward many years ago. I know. That's in God's hands, but, I'm talking about Him allowing breakthrough discoveries to be made that have improved response to and treatment of many diseases. On the other hand, society today may reflect the saying that originated in the 1800's, "It's going to hell in a handbasket." This saying is thought to have come about related to the California gold rush where men were lowered by hand in baskets down mining shafts to set explosives which could have deadly consequences. Here's my take: Those who die having never put their faith in Jesus are going to hell, period. The late Bible expositor extraordinaire, Dr. J. Vernon McGee said he was frequently asked about those who had never heard to which he replied, leave that in God's hands but what about you? Good question. Amen?


The wife of my youth is over in Louisiana seeing after her 89 year old brother. I'm so glad she can still go and help out, but, I also can say this about that. I miss her. When you are working as a team in a marriage of over 60 years, well, the team doesn't do as well when it is split up. Thankfully, I can visit with her by texting several times a day. She hasn't reminded me to water her plants but she will. (I already have watered them.) We have not done our federal income tax return yet. We have paid almost nothing in, so, we will owe whatever it is based on the final outcome of our accounting process. Just so you know, we intentionally don't pay anything in. That's my choice. Yep. I do typically pay a small penalty for not paying in, but, it's my money and I have it as an option so that's the way I do it. As you can tell, I am unanimous in this approach. You betcha. I mention that because she helps to motivate getting it done. I will confess that I put things off. Okay. It's not my best feature. She has more than once pronounced me to be the world's greatest procrastinator. How do you like that? In her eyes I am the world's greatest. That's a huge line behind me. Right? This means when she returns we must get after it. It will take a couple of days of wailing and gnashing but we will get it done, prepare our return, and pay our share. Glad to do it because do we live in a great country or what? In the meantime, if they want to reduce the tax burden on old people, I am all for it. I don't think I was as much for it 25 years ago, but, I am now. I'm on board. Y'all have a good day and pray that I still be of sound mind, (forget the body part), when she returns next Sunday. Have a great day and may God be praised. He deserves our praise. He does. He really does. Amen.