Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The inherent power when we share God's Holy Word!

Hello again.It is Wednesday, June 29, 2011. I talked yesterday about how that I desire to share some of my life's testimony as a way of providing encouragement to those who might read my daily blog. Maybe I should send out a notice through Google to the potential billions and warn them about accidentally landing on my blog. I'm always amused by the statistics regarding those who have done just that, more than 17,000 since this all began back in 2007. Some of those may have been intentional but since I send it out each day to a directed mail list, most of those were likely hits based on searching for a particular item. They did click on it because the stats are kept for page views, therefore, they at least looked at the face of my blog. I have picked up a few readers who continue to access my daily writing after having landed on it accidentally. They have sent me a note to indicate such. Here's an example of the comments I get, this one came this past April and it was in response to a blog I wrote concerning the biblical perspective on the history of the conflict in the middle east:
"Hello there! I loved your blog, I found it totally by chance and I'm loving it, I wish I could read everything here, but I'll read your articles one by one... lol... I'm Christian too and I agree with what you said about Rebeka's act. She made something that brought fight between two brothers and that ended with two separated people until nowadays: Jews and Arabs, and they fight against each other until now, and I guess it will be like this until Jesus comes for the 2nd time. God bless you greatly!!! Big hug from your sister in Christ in Brazil"
This causes me to hope at least one, someone, out there somewhere, may have landed on it at a time when they have needed something that God would use to help them to deal with whatever is going on in their lives. I do know that God is in the business of turning accidental contact into life changing experiences and it is His way of working that we count on, not our ability. He spoke through Isaiah how that His Word would not return to Him void or without accomplishing the purpose He intended. His given example was rain falling on the earth. It hits the ground. It goes into the soil. It makes contact with a plant and there is a response that ends with a blossom. (Read about it for yourself as found in the 55th Chapter of Isaiah's Book.) This was His way of describing it, not mine. But I will tell you that I do pray that as I quote from His Word, there will be some contact made, and that He will work and bring about the result He desires to see achieved. Amen.

I know that you know that we are in a tailspin when it comes to the US economy. Recession or depression is in the eye of the beholder. Obviously that does not apply to some folks. The only known actual photo of Billy the Kid went up for auction the other day. They expected it to fetch between three and four hundred thousand dollars. The final bid was $3.2 million. I watched some of the Barret Jackson automobile auction here and there over this past weekend. A 1963 VW Bus sold for $217,000. Restored beauties like I used to drive in the 1960's sold for up to $40,000. Those doing the purchasing obviously did not get the memo on the economy. A couple of weeks ago Debbie Reynolds sold the famous Marilyn Monroe dress for a pay out of $5.6 million including the commission. She had bought the dress at a studio auction many years ago for a fraction of that amount. Again, there is obviously a disconnect between those who must be insulated from the ravages of the doom and gloom most of us have witnessed in our economic condition. I don't envy any of them. We live in a country where you can accumulate wealth and spend it on anything you choose. I wouldn't think these examples to be something I would ever be involved in, except for maybe one of those 1955 Ford Crown Victoria's, like my wife and I dated in before we were married. But, I already have one. I almost forgot. She and the boys went together a number of years ago and purchased me one. It was one of those numbered, registered scale models. Black and white with the chrome strip across the top. Just like the one we drove. I thought I was somebody driving around in that car. I've learned that I really wasn't but it is fun to think about those days from yesteryear. Maybe I should auction off some of my memories. Nah. I really wouldn't want to part with any of them.

Most of us have more pressing issues to deal with. My wife's sister Dorothy over in Louisiana is having some surgery today. It is moderately serious and we would appreciate prayers on her behalf. She and my wife are more or less joined at the hip. I've always said they were twins that just happened to see Dorothy born 18 months before my wife. They have much in common. They are both great moms and great servants of the Lord. We also are monitoring the situation involving dad's daughter, our step sister Miriam. She continues to languish in the grip of ALS and our hearts go out to her and her family. These are pressing but we have even more that are on our hearts and minds. The good news is that we do have Someone to carry our concerns to. The old song says it well: "What a friend we have in Jesus, all our griefs and sins to bear. What a privilege to carry everything to Him in prayer." I know many of you have your own list and they are a part of your daily concern. I pray for you and your requests even as I solicit your prayers for the needs I have. That's the mutual connection we have as children of the living God. May He hear and answer even as we pray His will to be done. Amen. My wife tells me that I am beginning to get longer and longer each day as I go on and on and on. I try to stop when I finish but obviously some days I miss the cut off signal. I would say that I will try to do better but that's probably not going to happen. Have a good one. See you next time.           ......More later.   

1 comment:

Mitti Da Bawa said...

Your auctioning options are really awesome and i like them most...
Penny auctions